Developed for more than ten years and changed hands three times! Dead Island 2 announced for release next year

Gamescom officially opened today in Cologne, Germany. Major game makers have released news of new games one after another. During the opening live broadcast, they announced the official launch of the zombie action game “Dead Island 2”, which has been in development for more than ten years. Date, so that Fans finally have the opportunity to play this lifetime work.

“Dead Island 2” is the sequel to “Dead Island” in 2011. It was first published in 2014, but the development has been difficult. It was developed by Yager Development between 2012 and 2015, two years before the game was published. After more than 10 years, it was transferred to Sumo Digital for development in 2016, and finally to Dambuster Studios, Deep Silver’s internal studio in 2018. It has been in development for more than ten years.

This time, the official also released a live demo video. Players will play a group of humans who are infected with zombie viruses but have not mutated in the game, so that they have acquired zombie-like physical abilities, and they will be used in major attractions in Los Angeles. Fancy abusing zombies, most suitable for players who like refreshing rhythm.

The game will launch on February 3, 2023 on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and more.

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