Devastating Vacation Incident: Stolen Electric Cargo Bike Leaves Couple Stranded – Steps to Prevent Such Mishaps

2023-07-30 17:15:00

This is how to ruin a vacation in a short time. Sien and his partner Justine, from Merelbeke, had a very unfortunate surprise when they returned home on Wednesday following a two-week vacation in Portugal. Their electric cargo bike was stolen outside their door, HNB reports.

“It was secured with two padlocks locked to a large ring wedged into our facade. It was tight with screws so they had to pry the lock. He’s been standing outside our door for five years now. I had never had any problems until now,” laments Sien.

The cargo bike was essential for the 26-year-old, who did everything with it, such as getting to work in Ghent or shopping. The Belgian reported the theft to the police and also launched an appeal on social media.

It only remains for him to hope for an intervention of the insurance: “It is also a question of a lot of money. The bike cost 5,000 euros five years ago. It remains to be seen how much the insurance will cover”.

#lot #money #remains #insurance #cover..



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