“Devastating floods and landslides in South Kivu: Urgent need for aid and healthcare”

2023-05-07 18:32:44

After torrential rains on Thursday, several rivers came out of their beds causing major mudslides and landslides. In the disaster areas, the damage is enormous: entire villages have been devastated by the waters and the results are still provisional. In the rubble, the survivors are indeed still looking for missing relatives.

« Since Thursday, we find bodies every minute and we bury them “, explained to AFP Thomas Bakenga, the administrator of the territory of Kalehe, the most affected by the floods and the landslides when two rivers overflowed and carried away everything in their path: houses, fields, but also livestock. The many dead are buried quickly.

Concerns about the health situation

The humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has urgently dispatched a team to the scene. And she warns: The situation is very difficult. The population urgently needs shelter, basic necessities and food. » Sanitary conditions are also of great concern to humanitarians, who now fear epidemics, especially since Kalehe is already an endemic area for cholera and hosts displaced people from the neighboring province of North Kivu, who fled the violence of the conflict with the M23.

A government delegation arrived in South Kivu on Sunday. She must go to the disaster areas tomorrow morning.

► To read also: Eastern DRC: after bad weather, the question of disaster relief arises

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