HPV vaccination reopens in middle schools

The vaccination campaign for fifth-year students against human papillomavirus (HPV) infections will be relaunched at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, as announced by the Regional Health Agency. This affects all incoming fifth-year students, and parents have already been informed about the details of this new campaign. A website has been established to address their questions (1).

The 2023-2024 school year marked the initiation of the system. The results are considered “very encouraging” by the ARS: “The first campaign was successful, with one in five students in Nouvelle-Aquitaine being vaccinated at school. Currently, more than one in two 12-year-old students has received a dose of the HPV vaccine. This collective effort is expected to reduce contamination, infections, and precancerous lesions associated with the papillomavirus.”

In Deux-Sèvres, 61% of girls and 51% of boys received at least one dose in 2023.

At the Very Beginning of Sexual Life

HPV viruses are highly contagious and transmitted through mucous membranes or skin during intimate contact, with or without penetration. Contamination typically occurs at the beginning of sexual activity. Condoms do not provide effective protection against these viruses.

These viruses result in 6,300 cancers in France annually, along with 30,000 precancerous lesions that can have obstetric consequences. A quarter of HPV-induced cancers occur in men.

In June 2024, parents of upcoming fifth-grade students will receive an email from the school notifying them that a vaccination offer will be available starting in October. In September, they will receive a link through school applications to access a platform where they can provide their consent. A new feature this year allows parents to give their consent or refusal through the website www.vaccination-hpv-nouvelleaquitaine.fr, even before receiving the school message.

Twenty-Two Mobile Teams

This platform is secure and is already accessible, remaining available until September 29, 2024. Consent from both parents is required.

Middle school students whose parents have both signed the authorization will receive their first dose between October and December 2024. Six months later, they will receive the second dose between April and mid-June 2025. A middle school student who has already received a first dose elsewhere can receive the second dose within the school setting.

Mobile teams from the twenty-two vaccination centers in Nouvelle-Aquitaine will visit the region’s 644 schools to vaccinate adolescents directly. They will provide follow-up and support through the medical vaccination team.

The Regional Health Agency reminds that this vaccination is complementary to screening. One in two cancers induced by HPV is cervical cancer. “Cervical screening remains crucial and saves many lives each year by detecting lesions at an early stage,” emphasizes the ARS. Currently, there is no automatic screening for other cancers, particularly ENT cancers.

HPV Vaccination Campaign for Fifth-Year Students to Relaunch in 2024-2025

The vaccination campaign for fifth-year students against human papillomavirus (HPV) infections is set to relaunch at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, as announced by the Regional Health Agency. This initiative targets all future fifth-year students, with parents already informed about the details of this new campaign. A dedicated website has been established to address any questions from parents regarding the vaccination process (more information here).

Results from the 2023-2024 School Year

The previous school year saw the inauguration of this important vaccination initiative. The results have been deemed “very encouraging” by the ARS, stating, “The first campaign was a success since one in five students in Nouvelle-Aquitaine was vaccinated at school. Now, more than one in two 12-year-old students has received a dose of HPV vaccine. Thanks to this collective commitment, this initiative will reduce contamination, infections, and precancerous lesions linked to the papillomavirus.”

Vaccination Statistics in Deux-Sèvres

In the Deux-Sèvres region, 61% of girls and 51% of boys received at least one dose of the HPV vaccine during the 2023 school year. These encouraging statistics highlight the growing awareness and acceptance of HPV vaccination among parents and students alike.

Understanding HPV Transmission

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) viruses are highly contagious and are primarily transmitted through skin-to-skin contact during intimate activities, both with and without penetration. Contamination often occurs at the onset of sexual activity. It is crucial to note that condoms are not fully effective in preventing HPV transmission, underscoring the importance of vaccination.

HPV is responsible for approximately 6,300 cancers annually in France, alongside 30,000 precancerous lesions that can carry significant obstetric risks. Alarmingly, around a quarter of cancers caused by HPV affect men, emphasizing the need for inclusive vaccination efforts.

Key Dates for Upcoming HPV Vaccination Campaign

In June 2024, future parents of fifth-grade students will receive an email from their college outlining the forthcoming vaccination offers starting from October. During September, parents will receive a link through school applications that will lead them to a platform facilitating the authorization process. Notably, parents can give or refuse consent through the website at any time, without waiting for school communication. The website will be accessible until September 29, 2024.

Vaccination Timeline

  • First Dose: October to December 2024
  • Second Dose: April to mid-June 2025 (6 months after the first dose)

For students who have received their first dose elsewhere, provisions are in place for them to receive the second dose during school hours.

Mobile Vaccination Teams: A Focused Approach

The campaign will feature mobile teams from twenty-two vaccination centers across Nouvelle-Aquitaine, ensuring ease of access. These teams will visit the region’s 644 educational institutions to administer vaccinations directly to adolescents. After vaccination, students will be monitored and supported by a dedicated medical commision.

Complementary Measures and Screening Importance

It is essential to understand that this vaccination campaign complements existing screening measures. The ARS emphasizes that cervical screening is crucial in detecting early-stage lesions and saves countless lives each year. Unfortunately, there is no automated screening process available for other HPV-related cancers, such as ENT cancers.

FAQs about HPV Vaccination

Question Answer
Who is eligible for the HPV vaccination? All future fifth-year students in Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
What are the benefits of HPV vaccination? Reduces the risk of HPV infections, associated cancers, and precancerous lesions.
How do parents give consent for the vaccination? Consent can be provided through the school platform or directly on the vaccination website.
When will the vaccinations take place? First doses will be administered from October to December 2024, with the second dose in April to mid-June 2025.

Benefits of HPV Vaccination

Vaccination against HPV provides numerous benefits, including:

  • Prevention of certain types of cancers, particularly cervical cancer in women.
  • Reduction of the incidence of HPV-related diseases and conditions.
  • Contributing to community immunity against HPV infections.

Final Thoughts on HPV Vaccination Campaign

The Regional Health Agency’s renewed commitment to the HPV vaccination campaign reflects a broader public health strategy aimed at minimizing HPV-related health issues. By encouraging vaccination and providing essential information to families, the campaign aims to foster a healthier population that is better equipped to combat HPV infections and their related complications.



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