What are the benefits of a detox drink?
They are numerous ! Aurore Lavergnat, dietician-nutritionist lists them for us:
– A detox drink helps toeliminate waste from the body.
– It helps the emunctory organs, and in particular the liver and the kidneys to function better.
– A detox drink limits the attacks of free radicals.
– A detox drink has antioxidant and anti-aging properties by delaying skin aging.
– It gives a nice complexion.
– She has a positive effect on skin appendages (nails and hair).
– It boosts energy by boosting the immune system.
– Alkalinizing, it is interesting for the microbiota and the intestinal flora.
When to take a detox drink?
“We can take a daily detox drink as part of a balanced diet, says Aurore Lavergnat, dietitian-nutritionist. At what time of the day to consume it? “Either for breakfast or as a snack”she advises.
Take a detox drink can also be interesting following a workout : “it remineralizes the body”specifies the dietitian-nutritionist.
How to do a quick detox?
You can do a mono diet for one or two days. Two periods of the year lend themselves to this: « au springbecause at the end of winter the body needs to cleanse itself of accumulated toxins, explains Aurore Lavergnat. or at autumn to strengthen your immune system in anticipation of winter and the greater risk of contracting an ENT infection, in particular. »
This quick detox will be in the form of a mono diet for one or two days. ” We will be able to drink up to 4 or 5 detox juices during the day, but no more so as not to overload the hepatic system”, advises the dietitian-nutritionist.
detox foods
“Many foods can be integrated into a detox drink”, says Aurore Lavergnat. Here is a list with the detox properties of different foods.
sprouted seeds
There are many of them: alfalfa, oats, sunflower, lentil, quinoa, wheat, sunflower… These seeds contain enzymes that promote digestion and prevent intestinal disorders such as constipation. They are therefore interesting for detoxify the liver and intestines.
Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios… These nuts provide fiber that helps cleanse the intestines.
The vegetables
The best for detox are:
– The artichoke : it contains phenol acid which promotes the proper functioning of the liver.
– asparagus contains asparagine, an amino acid that promotes proper kidney function. It is also rich in water and fiber which has a ‘broom’ effect on the intestines.
– Beet : it contains flavonoids with antioxidant properties that stimulate the liver as well as fibers that cleanse the intestines.
– The cabbage which contains glucosinolate and vitamin C, substances that cleanse the liver. Leek, very rich in water and fiber, is diuretic and good for the intestines.
– The celery is rich in potassium which promotes the elimination of toxins by the kidneys.
– The cucumber contains an interesting quantity of potassium essential for a good diuresis.
– spinach : it provides vitamins A and C which protect the liver.
The fruits
– pineapple contains vitamins, minerals and water that stimulate the proper functioning of the liver, kidneys and intestines.
– The lemon is a good purifier of the body thanks to its citric acid which stimulates gastric juices for better digestion, as well as its fibers which are good for transit and its vitamin C which cleanses the liver.
– The red fruitss (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackcurrant…): they contain potassium which promotes the proper functioning of the kidneys, as well as vitamin C which detoxifies the liver.
– And the kiwi is rich in vitamin C which contributes to a good state of liver health.
– cinnamon stimulates transit, it limits bloating and activates bile secretions.
– turmeric promotes gastric emptying by stimulating the production of bile. Rich in fiber, it is also interesting for transit.
– Ginger contains gingerols and shogaols which stimulate the gallbladder, which allows the latter to evacuate bile more easily, especially following a fatty meal.
How to do a home detox?
Here are some ideas for detox drinks and juices to make to have a flat stomach, to burn fat, cleanse the liver, kidneys…
Morning detox drinks
Ginger detox drink
The detox ginger drink recipe by Evelyne Chartier, aromatherapy practitioner
Infuse a small piece of fresh ginger in 250 ml of water for 10 minutes. Filter. Drink every cold or hot morning for a week to ‘cleanse’ the digestive system or 1 day a week. This infusion allows you to pamper your stomach and gives, at the same time, a boost of energy.
Cinnamon detox drink
Infuse 5 minutes 1 cinnamon stick or 1 tbsp. at s. of cinnamon in 200 ml of water. Add a hint of garrigue honey with diuretic properties and drink in the morning on an empty stomach to cleanse the body.
fat burning drink
Lemon-green tea detox drink
Infuse 2 to 3 g of Sencha in 200 ml of boiling water for 3 to 4 minutes. Add the juice of 1/2 lemon.
Pineapple-lemon detox drink
Mix a slice of pineapple with 1 lemon. Add a pinch of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of chopped walnuts and a little water if necessary. Drink chilled following a hearty meal.
liver detox drink
Clean the leaves of an artichoke under clear water. Boil them for 5 minutes in 500 ml of water. Then turn off the heat and leave to infuse, covered, for 10 minutes. Strain and drink hot.
Detox drink for the intestines
Smoothie kale-citron-chia
Wash a few kale leaves. Squeeze the juice of 2 lemons. Mix everything. Pour into a glass. Add 1 tbsp. c. of chia seeds. Drink fresh.
Kidney detox drink
Mix a peeled cooked beetroot with the juice of a lemon. Decorate with sprouted alafalfa seeds. Drink fresh.