Determined Minds: The Triumph of Youth with Principles

Youth with Values: those who persevere achieve

The value of perseverance is what has led many people to achieve great things.

Youth with values, he who perseveres achieves

Julio Zelaya reflected with students on the value of perseverance. (Photo Prensa Libre: taken from the Youtube video)


Dreams are achieved when there is conviction, struggle and perseverance in the purpose of life. This is what the perseverance. And even though the road is full of difficult situations, moving forward and learning from mistakes is part of life’s adventure to achieve success.

This has been demonstrated by various professionals who motivate with their life stories, such as Julio Zelaya, a serial educational entrepreneur, international speaker and author of several books, who participated in this discussion on the value of perseverance, as part of the project Youth with Values, by Prensa Libre.

Students from various educational centers participated in this activity, expressing their knowledge about this value and generating an environment of learning, challenges and dreams.

Students from the Guatemala High School attended: Gabriel Rosales, Mariana Villamar and Santiago Diaz; from the Ameritec School: Jose Joaquin Rosal Morales, Isabela Garcia Fonseca and Daniel Osoy Zaldaña; from the Von Humboldt School: Juan Diego Rosales Argueta and Gabriel Alejandro Rosales Argueta; and from Intecap zone 7: Suceni Alexandra Coronado Samayoa, Leonardo Daniel Alexander Gonzalez Morente, Kenneth Estuardo Morales Herdocia and Kevin Arnoldo Del Cid Garcia.

Learning from perseverance by example is a motivating way to understand the importance of this value. With this spirit, international coach Julio Zelaya began his speech, telling anecdotes of successful entrepreneurs who had to go through failures and difficult situations to achieve their goal, but their perseverance led them to the top of successful entrepreneurs.

Fear is one of the main obstacles, says Zelaya, as well as lack of motivation. There may be “deserts,” but one must always think of “the promised land,” he says.

Faith, focus (dedication), fire (passion) and family are four indispensable ingredients to achieve success, as well as surrounding yourself with the right people.

Among all the inspiring stories Zelaya told is the case of JK (Joanne Kathleen) Rowling, author of the seven books of the famous Harry Potter saga, whose series has sold more than 500 million copies and has been translated into 63 languages.

Julio Zelaya also talked about how he has been achieving his own dreams and, based on his experiences and knowledge, he provides important tools to keep on targeting what each person has set out to do, as he has been able to achieve them, with his experience as an entrepreneur, businessman, founder of a school and a university. You can watch the full talk in this video.

Now test your knowledge with this quiz.


Youth with Values ​​is a project of Prensa Libre with the support of Banco Industrial. Download the worksheet on perseverance and stay tuned for more videos on other values ​​with the participation of students and specialists on Prensa Libre’s networks.

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#Youth #Values #persevere #achieve

Youth with‌ Values: Those Who Persevere⁤ Achieve

The Importance of ⁣Perseverance

In life, ​success ⁢is often the fruit of unwavering dedication to personal goals, overcoming challenges, and ‌nurturing a spirit of perseverance. The journey ‌toward achieving our dreams is not always smooth; it is often​ a winding road⁣ filled with obstacles. However, those who continue to forge ahead, armed with resilience and determination, are the ones who ultimately reap the rewards of their efforts. This concept is at the heart of the initiative “Youth with Values,” where the essence of ⁤perseverance is highlighted as a fundamental value that can lead to success.

!Youth with values, he who perseveres achieves

Inspiration from Role Models

One of the powerful aspects ⁢of the “Youth with⁢ Values” initiative⁣ is the emphasis on learning from real-life examples of individuals who have faced difficulties yet emerged victorious. Notable figures such as Julio Zelaya, a serial educational entrepreneur and international speaker, share their life experiences to inspire young minds. Through ⁣discussions, students are encouraged ⁤to engage‌ with the concept⁢ of perseverance, realizing that setbacks are often stepping stones to success.

A Collective Learning Experience

Students​ from various educational institutions including Guatemala High School, Ameritec School, Von Humboldt School, and ⁣Intecap zone 7​ participated in events designed to foster ​discussion around the value of perseverance. They learned not just from lectures but also through collaborative discussions, generating an atmosphere ‍rich in ideas,‍ challenges, and hopes for the future.

Lessons from Adversity

Julio Zelaya’s speeches resonate deeply⁢ as ‍he shares anecdotes about successful entrepreneurs who had to navigate through failures before reaching their dreams. His insights not only demystify the path to success but‍ also ‌reinforce the idea that challenges can be transformative experiences. He reminds his audience that⁤ fear ‍and lack of motivation are common hurdles but should⁤ not deter one’s⁤ pursuit of ⁣greatness. Instead, focusing on the “promised land” helps maintain the drive‍ necessary​ to overcome ⁢the “deserts” of doubt.

Key Ingredients for Success

In his discussions, Zelaya highlights four essential elements required for‍ success:

  1. Faith ⁤ – Believing in oneself and one’s objectives.
  2. Focus (Dedication) – Committing time and energy ‍to one’s goals.
  3. Fire (Passion) – Cultivating⁣ a desire and enthusiasm for the journey.
  4. Family (Support​ Network) – Surrounding oneself with​ supportive individuals who ‍encourage​ growth.

By incorporating these principles into their lives, young ⁤people can create a​ framework that‌ supports their aspirations.

Inspiring Cases of Perseverance

Among the most illustrative examples Zelaya ⁣shares⁤ is that of JK Rowling, ‌the author of the renowned Harry ​Potter series, who ​faced numerous rejections before finally ⁣being⁣ published.​ Her story is a ⁣testament ⁢to the power of perseverance, as she transformed her struggles into an extraordinary global phenomenon.


The “Youth with Values” initiative serves as an⁢ invaluable platform for shaping the future of young individuals by instilling core values such as perseverance. By learning ⁤from successful role models and engaging in meaningful discourse, students are ​empowered to pursue​ their aspirations fearlessly.

The message is clear: those who ⁣persevere, learn from their experiences, and⁢ remain​ dedicated to their goals are the ones who will achieve greatness.

Join the Movement!

Become a part ⁢of the ‍”Youth⁤ with Values” project, and embrace the power of perseverance in your life. <a href="–h66rQqA/viewform?embedded=true”>Test your knowledge with our quiz​ here.

For more inspiring content and stories of perseverance, follow us at Prensa Libre, and get involved in initiatives ⁢that prioritize the values shaping‌ tomorrow’s leaders. Remember, perseverance is not ⁤a long race; it is many short races one after the other!



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