Detective in Vilkyškiai – where did the unique writer’s room that existed for ten years go? | Culture

This is what determined that a memorial room of this writer was opened in Vilkyškii in 2013, for which the exhibits came directly from his home in Berlin.

“This was a significant event for our town, where the name of this creator of Little Lithuania has already been nurtured and celebrated, and at the same time the unique culture, heritage, traditions and identity of this land lost after the Second World War,” said the association “J. Bobrovskis Draugija” chairman Ilona Meirė.

At the opening of the memorial room, not only the members of the writer’s society from Germany and Lithuania, the local community and representatives of various cultural institutions, but also one of the sons of the writer J. Bobrovskis, who presented the exhibits, as well as the initiator of the idea of ​​this exposition, Jorg Nass, an organ master from Germany, participated in the opening of the memorial room.

Although according to unwritten agreements, the environment of the writer’s room was restored, the furniture, books, photographs and other exhibits were supposed to remain in Vilkyškii forever and spread the word about this writer who matured at the crossroads of two cultures, but one day when J. Nass visited the exhibition, without any warning or explanation, all the exhibits taken back to Germany.

Photo by Roger Melis from the Vilkyški Museum/Johannes Bobrowski in his room in the suburb of Friedrichshagen near Berlin

Summers of youth passed in Vilkyškii

The famous German writer J. Bobrovskis was born in 1917 in Tilze (now Sovetsk, Kaliningrad region). He spent his childhood and youth summers in Vilkyškii and Mociškii on this side of the Nemunas with his aunt and grandmother. Later, in Mociškiai, he met his future wife, Johana Buddrus, with whom he lived a long and beautiful life in Berlin.

The impressions of J. Bobrovskis’s youth, the landscape of Panemune and the works and customs of the people of the Memel region were also reflected in his work: in the novel “Lituvian Pianos”, in the short story “Red Stone”, in the poems “Memelis”, “Kranto kelias”, “Daubas”, “Jūra”. . The people of Little Lithuania, philosophers I.Kant and JGHaman, writers Vydūnas, K.Donelaitis, musicians D.Bukstehude and J.Bach became characters of his poems and short stories.

J. Bobrovskis’ work is quite well known and appreciated not only in Germany – his works have been translated into more than 30 world languages.

J. Bobrovskis’ work is quite well known and appreciated not only in Germany – his works have been translated into more than 30 world languages. J. Bobrovski’s novels “Lietuviški fortepijonai” (1968), “Levin’s mill” (1969), a collection of poetry translated by Sigitas Geda and Bronis Savukyns “Sarmatian period” (1974), two volumes of “Selected writings” (1999 and 2000) appeared in Lithuanian. .

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

According to the chairman of the association “J. Bobrovskis draugija” I. Meire, Vilkyškiai was an integral part of the writer’s life and work, therefore in 2013 The memorial room of J. Bobrovskis and the exposition dedicated to his memory were established in the house of the Vilkyškii Evangelical Lutheran parish.

The initiators of this exhibition were Jorg Nass, a German who regularly visits Lithuania, Mindaugas Kairys, pastor of Smalininkai, Vilkyškii, Jurbarkas and Skirsnemunė Evangelical Lutheran parishes, and his wife, Laura Matuzaitė-Kairienė, head of the Commonwealth of Lithuanian Evangelical Church Music.

By the way, the writer’s name was nothing new in Vilkyškiai – since 2010 the “J. Bobrovskis Society” operated here, in 2011 the main street of Vilkyškių is named after this writer, and in 2015 The school in Vilkyškii was given the name of Johannes Bobrovskis Gymnasium.

The authentic environment of the writer’s room has been preserved

The opportunity to establish this memorial room in Vilkyškii arose after the death of the writer’s wife, J. Bobrovska, in 2011, and when their sons were unable to maintain the rented house of their parents in the suburb of Friedrichshagen near Berlin, where the Bobrovskis lived since 1953.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

After the writer’s death, his sons Adam and Justus kept the authentic study of their father, where practically nothing was changed for almost five decades.

At the beginning, the possibility of establishing a memorial room in J. Bobrovski’s hometown Tilze, which now belongs to the Russian Federation, was considered. However, according to I. Meire, this idea was quickly abandoned due to possible political threats.

Then the writer’s son J. Nassui, with whom the members of J. Bobrovskis’s society maintained close relations, offered to transport part of his father’s belongings to the writer’s beloved and cherished Vilkyškis and to establish a memorial room in his name there.

According to I.Meirė, the things belonging to the writer were handed over to J.Nass, who had been nurturing the idea of ​​establishing a museum dedicated to J.Bobrovskis for some time.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

in 2012 in the summer, he organized the transportation of all items from Berlin to Vilkyški and their display in the parish house. In this way, some of the author’s authentic belongings were not scattered, remained in one place and became available to the general public.

In the memorial room of the writer established in Vilkyškii, it was possible to see not only the authentic environment of his room – furniture, musical instruments, books, sheet music, television, but also J. Bobrovski’s personal belongings – childhood porcelain toys, school graduation props, typewriters, parents’ prayer book, several original photographs, souvenirs that he had received from acquaintances and friends.

According to I. Meire, local residents and visitors from other cities had to be introduced to the life and work of J. Bobrovskis, while the large number of tourist groups visiting Vilkyškii from Germany did not need to be introduced to this writer.

On behalf of the whole family, the writer’s son thanked the initiators of the museum, thanks to whom “our parents returned home”.

in 2013 July 21 The writer’s son Adam, who spoke at the opening ceremony of the J. Bobrovski memorial room, said that in his youth, walking through the forests and meadows in these places, along the shores of the Nemunas and the Sea, his father drew inspiration, which many years later helped him become a famous poet and writer all over the world.

On behalf of the whole family, he also thanked the initiators of the museum, thanks to whom “our parents returned home”.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

Cultural loss: took everything away

This memorial room of J. Bobrovskis in Vilkyškii operated for ten years. However, in 2023 in autumn Mr. Nass asked for permission to visit the exhibition and take some exhibits.

According to I. Meire, after this visit, without any coordination and information, he took away not only all the exhibits and inventory, but also the gifts accumulated over the decade from various organizations and individuals – books, maps, photographs, guest book, etc.

How 15min the chairman of the association “J. Bobrovskis Draugiaja” said, the agreements regarding the memorial room of J. Bobrovskis and commitments were only verbal.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

“To this day, the tradition of ‘word of honor’ is maintained in Germany, so based on this, there was no need for either side to initiate a formal formalization of the use of the memorial room. The word given by both the one and the other side was trusted that this room and the exhibits in it will remain in Vilkyškii forever”, said I. Meirė.

She also noted that J. Nass, who brought the exhibits from Berlin to Vilkyškis, claimed that all these items belonging to J. Bobrovski were given to him personally by the writer’s family, although he never showed any documents confirming this.

When asked if she knows where all the exhibits taken from Vilkyškii are at the moment, I. Meirė said that she does not know anything. According to her, Mr. Nass continues to insist that “it is his property and he has the right to decide where and how the writer’s belongings will be stored and displayed.”

“It is a huge disappointment and cultural loss for the entire community of Vilkyškii”, I. Meirė summed up the situation.

The chairman of the J. Bobrovskis Society in Lithuania said that she had not contacted the writer’s sons due to the situation, but tried to resolve all issues with J. Nass.

Unfortunately, so far these talks have not yielded any results.

“It is a huge disappointment and cultural loss for the entire community of Vilkyškii”, I. Meirė summed up the situation.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

Exhibitions are looking for a new location

15min after contacting the initiator of this exhibition, Mr. Nass, he confirmed that all the exhibits are currently in his home in Germany.

He calls his decision to take all J. Bobrovski’s belongings and specially made stands for the exhibition spontaneous, although he admits that the idea to find a new place for the writer’s memorial room arose several years ago.

According to him, the exhibition in Vilkyškii was not properly maintained, there was a lack of visitors, the dehumidifier, which ensures the optimal indoor climate, was turned off and then broke down. He claims to have found mold in the showroom.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

Mr. Nass also emphasized that in 2022 after visiting Vilkyškii in the summer, he found the exposition of the exhibition operating for several hours without any supervision. And later, due to a broken door lock, no one could enter the exhibition for a while.

“That year, I came up with the idea of ​​holding a temporary exhibition so that J. Bobrovskis would be in the public eye again. I turned to Ieva Simonaitytė’s library in Klaipėda, where I had seen several interesting exhibitions. After several positive discussions, the library staff visited the exhibition in Vilkyškiai”, – 15min J. Nass said.

Having decided to close this exhibition in Vilkyškii, he claims to have contacted the writer’s sons and asked him to confirm the act of donating the exhibits in writing.

“I also asked a German and Lithuanian lawyer about the donation. Both have confirmed that the exhibits are my property,” in the reply we sent 15min J. Nass claims to the journalist.

He noted that he is currently organizing temporary exhibitions in Germany dedicated to the life and work of J. Bobrovskis, which are complemented by the writer’s personal items from the collection previously exhibited in Vilkyškii.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

“I organize temporary exhibitions until a new permanent place is found for these exhibits. It is important to me that all the exhibits stay together and be publicly accessible to the public. I have promised this to the writer’s sons Adam and Justus. So that’s how it should be,” J. Nass said.

I organize temporary exhibitions until a new permanent place is found for these exhibits.

When asked if he is considering the possibility of bringing these exhibits back to Lithuania, he mentioned that “there are ideas for new places in Lithuania, but for now they are just thoughts, suggestions”, so he cannot confirm anything concrete yet.

I. Meirė, head of the association “J. Bobrovskis draugija” operating in Vilkyškii, admitted that during the pandemic period, only individual visitors were allowed into the exhibition, and in 2021-2022. the entire building was being renovated, so the tourist group could not see this exhibition.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

Photo by Arturo Valiaugas/Johanes Bobrovskis exposition in Vilkyškiai, 2020.

According to her, during the renovation, not only the exterior of the building and the environment were improved, but heating was also introduced to all rooms, which significantly improved the exhibition spaces.

“Currently, the fate of the J. Bobrovskis memorial work room is an open matter of negotiations and clear agreements”, noted I. Meirė.

#Detective #Vilkyškiai #unique #writers #room #existed #ten #years #Culture
2024-08-30 16:31:10



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