Al-Marsad newspaper: Experts say that there are some signs that diabetes appears, which can be observed in the hands, especially in the nails.
It was reported that people with diabetes face circulatory problems. This means that they may notice redness around the nails. According to “The Sun”.
The experts explained: “People with diabetes can also develop blisters around the nail, bleeding and ulceration. The nail may also show splinter hemorrhages (small blood clots that tend to travel vertically under the nails), if there is an arterial blockage, but injury is the most common cause of this. With no blood circulation, the nail dies like the rest of the tissue.”
They added, patients may also have bu lines (deep grooves that extend across the width of the nail), and this can be visible in many people with chronic diseases, including diabetes.
They continued, while patients may focus on the fingernails, it is also important that they pay attention to the toenails. This is because diabetics are more likely to develop a fungal infection known as nail fungus. Your nails may turn yellow and become brittle