+ Details.. Royal pardon on the occasion of the anniversary of the King and People’s Revolution

Agadir24 | Agadir24/A.M.E

On the occasion of the anniversary of the King and People’s Revolution this year, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God preserve him and grant him victory, has issued his royal order to pardon a group of people, including detainees and those at large, sentenced by various courts in the Kingdom, totaling 685 people.

On the same occasion, His Majesty the King, may God assist him, granted his royal pardon to 4,831 persons convicted, prosecuted or wanted in cases related to the cultivation of cannabis, who meet the conditions required to benefit from the pardon.

Below is the text of the statement issued by the Ministry of Justice in this regard:

On the occasion of the anniversary of the glorious revolution of the King and the People this year 1446 AH 2024 AD, His Majesty the King, may God preserve his glory and victory, has issued his royal order to be obeyed to pardon a group of people, including detainees and those at large, sentenced by various courts of the honorable Kingdom, numbering 685 people, as follows:

The beneficiaries of the royal pardon who are in detention, numbering 548 inmates, are as follows:

– Pardon of the remaining prison sentence for the benefit of: 15 inmates

– Reducing the prison sentence for the benefit of: 529 inmates

– Converting life imprisonment to fixed-term imprisonment for the benefit of: 04 inmates

The beneficiaries of the royal pardon who are currently at large, numbering 137 people, are distributed as follows:

– Pardon from prison sentences or the remainder of them for the benefit of: 26 persons

-Pardon from prison sentence while maintaining the fine for the benefit of: 08 persons

-Exemption from fine for the benefit of: 98 persons

-Pardon from imprisonment and fine sentences for the benefit of: 04 persons

-Pardon of the fine and the remainder of the prison sentence for the benefit of: 01 person

Total: 685

On the same precious national occasion, our Master Al-Mansur Billah, may victory and empowerment last, granted his royal pardon to 4,831 people convicted, prosecuted or wanted in cases related to the cultivation of Indian hemp, who met the conditions required to benefit from the pardon.

In addition to the humanitarian aspects of this royal gesture, it will enable those covered by it to integrate into the new strategy in which the regions concerned have engaged following the establishment of the National Agency for the Regulation of Activities Related to Cannabis and the structural impact that its activity will have on the economic and social levels, through the manufacture, processing and export of cannabis and the import of its products for medical, pharmaceutical and industrial purposes, as well as contributing to the development of alternative crops and non-agricultural activities.

May God keep our master Al-Mansur Billah as a treasure and refuge for this nation and a source of compassion and mercy, and may He return such holidays to His Majesty with victory and empowerment and may He gladden his eyes with the Crown Prince, His Royal Highness the Noble Prince Moulay El Hassan and all members of the noble royal family. He is the All-Hearing, All-Answering. Peace.

#Details. #Royal #pardon #occasion #anniversary #King #Peoples #Revolution
2024-08-22 19:47:13



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