details of the national surveillance and response plan

VHere are the major axes of the national surveillance and response plan once morest monkeypox, in terms of epidemiological surveillance system.

Cas probable : Anyone with a skin rash, vesicular or vesiculo-pustular, with fever above 38°C, and in whom the usual causes, in particular chicken pox, measles, herpes, rickettsiosis or a possible allergic reaction have been ruled out .

Confirmed case: Any probable case in which infection with Monkeypox has been confirmed by molecular technique in the laboratory.

  • Any suspected or probable case must be reported immediately to the provincial/prefectural health authority responsible for the health structure (public or private) where the doctor gave the diagnosis.
  • The Provincial/Prefectural Delegation of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection coordinates, as a matter of urgency and with the regional public health service, the verification of the case definition and carries out the epidemiological investigation as soon as the case is classified as probable .
  • Anyone who has had direct, unprotected physical contact with damaged skin or biological fluids of a probable or confirmed symptomatic case, regardless of the circumstances, including in healthcare settings, or sharing toilet utensils, or contact with textiles (clothing, bath linen, bedding) or crockery.
  • Anyone who has had unprotected contact within 2 meters for 3 hours with a probable or confirmed symptomatic case (close or intimate friend, transport, office colleagues, sports club, etc.)

Case contact, instructions for use

  • Self-isolate for 3 weeks following last contact with probable or confirmed case, with twice-daily temperature monitoring.
  • The provincial/prefectural rapid response team (RRT) must establish regular telephone follow-up to verify the absence of symptoms of the disease.
  • In case of fever or rash, do not go to a health facility. Pick-up will be arranged by EIR.

(with map)



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