Dessert is a food that netizens like, pay attention to 5 ways to prevent obesity – SINDOnews Lifestyle


The dessert trend which is dominated by sweet foods is liked by netizens and this triggers obesity. Photo/ bakingo.

JAKARTA – The dessert trend, which is dominated by sweet foods, is one of the foods that netizens like. They competed to taste various delicious cakes and tempting sweet drinks. In fact, if not controlled, this can have negative impacts on health, including the risk of preventing obesity .

Obesity itself is a health condition that needs to be paid attention to by the public. As a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, excess body weight can occur and become a nest for disease in the body.

According to the Mayo Clinic, obesity is a complex disease that involves too much body fat. It is a medical problem that increases the risk of many diseases and other health problems including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver disease, sleep apnea and certain cancers.

For this reason, obesity should not be underestimated. Before this happens, it’s a good idea to take precautions so you don’t become overweight and risk complications from the disease.

The following are tips for preventing obesity so that it doesn’t become a nest for disease, reported Very Well Health, Sunday (13/10/2024).

Tips to Prevent Obesity

1. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
The most important thing is to prioritize eating fruit and vegetables. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of obesity. Fruit and vegetables contain a variety of beneficial nutrients and are associated with a lower risk of diabetes and insulin resistance.

Fruits and vegetables are also high in fiber, which makes you feel full with fewer calories and keeps your digestive system in order.

2. Avoid processed foods
Processed foods, such as white bread and many packaged snacks, are a source of empty calories that tend to add up quickly.

A 2019 study found that people who were offered a processed diet consumed more calories and gained weight, while those who consumed less processed food actually lost weight.

For those of you who like to snack, there are several alternative healthier snack options such as almonds, cashews, walnuts and unsalted pistachios, roasted chickpeas and yogurt.

The Dessert Trend: Sweet Bliss or Obesity Abyss?

Greetings, readers! Let’s dig into a topic that’s as sweet as the desserts we’re obsessed with and just as sticky—the dessert trend that’s flipping our scales upside down. Yes, that’s right, while we scroll through our feeds drooling over delectable cakes and sugary concoctions, we might just be filling our waistbands in the process!

In Jakarta, it seems that netizens are diving headfirst into a sugar sea, trying out every eye-popping pastry and intoxicating beverage known to humankind. But let’s be honest here: when you see a cake that looks like it was crafted by angels, isn’t your first thought “I could eat that whole thing!” instead of “Hey, maybe I need to watch my weight?”

According to Mayo Clinic—and trust me, they know a thing or two about health—the consequences of our dessert binge can be dire. You see, obesity isn’t just a number on a scale; it’s quite the complex beast involving too much body fat, and it brings a cornucopia of diseases along for the ride—think heart disease, diabetes, and, oh, let’s not forget the joy of sleep apnea. That’s right, folks, a sweet slice of cake can come back to haunt you in more ways than one.

Tips to Prevent Obesity: Turn Down the Sugar, Turn Up the Veggies!

Underneath all this fun, we have to remember: moderation is key. So let’s chuck those extravagant desserts aside (just for a moment) and consider some health-savvy options. How do we tackle this sticky situation? Here are some cheeky yet sincere tips for keeping those love handles at bay while still keeping your dessert cravings alive and kicking!

1. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables!

Let’s kick things off with a no-brainer! Load your plate with fruits and veggies. These vibrant little powerhouses are not just good for your eyes—though that’s a neat perk—but they’re also packed full of nutrients and fiber. Ever heard of the phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away?” Well, it might just keep the expanding waistline at bay as well!

2. Avoid Processed Foods

Ah, processed foods, the dastardly villains of our culinary tales! Those empty calories are like that friend who always shows up uninvited and eats all your snacks. Research shows that folks munching away on processed diets gain weight like it’s a competition, while those steering clear find themselves fitting into those jeans with ease. So swap out your processed snacks for healthier options—think almonds, walnuts, or even a cheeky bit of yogurt!

So there you have it, dear readers! While it’s tempting to indulge in the sweet symphony of our dessert trend, let’s smarten up and make choices that won’t land us straight into the obesity battleground. Just remember, the true sweet spot in life isn’t how many cakes you can eat but how you can enjoy life without turning into one! Now pass me that fruit salad!



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