Health deregulation: 56% have left social work

2024-09-08 03:28:22

44% of workers make mandatory contributions social work The union remains within the originally specified entities. The National Health Service Regulator believes this figure is very high and should fall to almost defensible levels in the short term. If this happens, it will be because of the success of the process imagined by its owner, Gabriel Oriolo, who proposed it on two premises: more competition and less of intermediaries.

“Only 56% of donations are spent on social work outside the membership work sector, while 44% are retained, despite the fact that in many cases these donations are not covered,” he said in a statement with indoor sounds. He also cited the example of Osprera, which brings together 760,000 rural workers. “It doesn’t provide insurance for them, but people won’t leave because they don’t know they can leave, or because the employer is responsible,” he stressed.

from Denu 70 Javier Milley’s Governmentany worker can transfer his or her mandatory 3% contribution plus the employer’s 6% to any union, management or prepaid pharmaceutical company without any triangulation. Oriolo said there are 89 entities registered with the financiers registry, about a third of which are prepaid entities. It’s unclear how many workers will take advantage of the transfer in 2024.


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Before the decree, a prepaid company that wanted to hire employees with dependencies had to make a triangulation: it entered into an agreement with a union social work agency, the entity retained a certain percentage (3 to 8 percent of contributions), and the benefits were paid by Responsible for: Prepaid.

Prepaid companies initially targeted the highest-paying industries, although over time they also offered workers (and sometimes their employers) the possibility to make up the difference to get a better plan.

But before getting 9% of donations and contributions to the system, there’s a price: It’s called the Solidarity Redistribution Fund, which is administered by the regulator and has been used for years to discipline wayward unions and reward friends. 15% of the 9% of total payroll is spent, approximately 100 billion pesos per month. The money is used to pay for high fees and disability benefits. So far, prepaid companies have not been able to get it.

By directly receiving compulsory contributions from members, they will receive distributions from the prestigious Solidarity Fund, which levels the playing field for everyone. “People have freedom of choice and we are interested in letting them know that transfers are easy and that due to the lack of insurance, claims can be made to regulatory authorities,” Oriolo noted.

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Now it will be a debugging process. In an industry where they guarantee 10,000 affiliates is the minimum critical mass required to guarantee a certain quality of earnings, a third of the funders are expected to disappear or merge with others in order to gain scale. Some entities have fewer members, with 15 employees.

There are 291 authorized trade union social work agencies in the country with 15.5 million members. At the same time, there are currently 661 private pharmaceutical companies with 7 million members.

“When outsourcing commissions disappear, anyone who is no longer charging will either change the system or disappear,” the official said. But beyond that, the Asymmetry Mitigation Subsidy (Suma) has been almost completely eliminated, and the The subsidy is provided to social workers with fewer than 5,000 members and below-average incomes. There are about 60 in this situation, but “25 to 30 survive because of this system of rewarding non-growth,” Oriolo noted. Many members refused to continue receiving subsidies. Presumably they will disappear.

A similar situation occurs with prepaid bills. Out of these 661 projects, only 10 projects have been finally registered and all documents are in order.

“There are 127 people who have never shown anything,” Oriolo said. 61 of them have been discharged from hospital and 66 are in the process of being notified. In any case, there are 534 members left, giving a theoretical average of 14,000 members. But it is known that Osde, Swiss, Galeno, Omint and Sancor concentrate 70% of the membership, so the remaining 529 members actually have an average of 3,970 members each. Atomization of bureaucracy and inefficiency.

Illustrative image (LaVoz/Archive).

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“Our bet is that they provide coverage and be competitive, and we’re releasing plans and costs so people can participate and compare,” the official described.

Several other issues are being discussed simultaneously. First, it is a redefinition of mandatory medical plans (PMOs). “The idea is to come up with a coverage package and have a better plan,” Oriolo said. The second thing to review is disability expenses.

“Today, we lack funds for high-cost benefits and integration mechanisms, namely disability. 85% of the Solidarity Fund is allocated to persons with disabilities, of which P15 billion is for transportation. “When we take it to patients, we find that the billing kilometers equivalent to 72 moon landings,” he said. There has been an audit in this area, and the situation of 32,000 members is highly suspected of fraud.

“The system that we have to pay these benefits is only designed to pay, not to control and it takes time to update the system. But if we find that there is no control, we will deduct it directly from social work without affecting the provider,” he noted.

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“Since disability costs are borne by the fund, social work is no longer in control and the total is covered by another fee. We found that they did not even have an interprofessional team to review the patient’s case. But disability must also be assessed: Deaf people receiving implants Transportation should not be requested.

The third pressing issue facing financiers is pharmaceuticals: from 20% of spending before the epidemic to about 50% today.

Work is underway to establish the Agency for the Assessment of New Technologies, which will weigh laboratories’ arguments when defending new medicines, while working with the justice system, which in many cases leads to unsustainable treatments.

“We want to create competitive conditions for them so that beneficiaries can freely decide where to invest their donations, and each donation realizes benefits without intermediaries or triangulation,” he stressed.

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