Rudeness, resignations and crossfire: 7 examples of tension between the president and vice president

2024-07-27 12:00:00

Since democracy was restored in 1983, excluding the feverish final days of 2001, Argentina has had nine presidents and 10 vice presidents. In most endeavors, the connection between the members of the winning formula is At least it is complicated, at most it is tortuous and unfeasible.

In this note, the most striking cases from over thirty years are listed:

1- Carlos Menem VS Eduardo Duhalde

In 1987, a bond began when Carlos Menem summoned Eduardo Duhalde for a confrontation inside the café: a few tense moments. Aside from the fact that he came to power as vice-president of Rioja, Duhalde was always a leader with influence both inside and outside the party, something Menem never digested.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

Menem and Duhalde in the election

The battle came to a head after the Lockheed Martin native left national government to serve as governor. In December 1993, Duhalde was the last to learn that Menim had signed olive pact, which allowed him to be re-elected, thereby limiting his aspirations. In 1995 he returned to campaigning for the Menem-Rukoff formula in the “Menem car”, but the distance was getting further and further, and there were no longer barbecues or football matches.

Wound It seems they closed in 2019as they gathered to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their election victory in the two-term president’s department.

2- Carlos Menem VS Carlos Lukoff

Carlos Ruckoff, Vice President of Menem’s second government, acted tough when he took over as acting president due to the Rioja’s trip. Oppose re-election attempt,Year 1999.

“I am against violating the Constitution, that is very clear. Supreme Court There is no legal basis to allow a third term.“Rukoff was one of the first Popular Party leaders to publicly support the candidacy of Eduardo Duhalde, who at the time was strongly opposed to Menem.

menem and rukoff Rukoff and Menem, 1995 campaign poster

Carlos Lukoff: “Néstor Kirchner’s vision of zero deficit is similar to Javier Mire’s”

Rukoff gave the president so-called praise With a hint of mischief: “Menem knew very well that if he left in ’99, he would have grown a lot in size by 2001, because that’s what happened with the great Transformers. This is what happened to Raul Alfonsín“Future-focused comparisons with radical ex-presidents will certainly not do Menem any favors.

3- Fernando de la Rua vs. Carlos “Chacho” Alvarez

The second radical president of the current democratic era has been unhappy with the deputy candidate promoted by Alfonsin. I prefer Graciela Fernandez Meguid Because I saw how”So Peronist” Frepaso leader style.

Chacho Alvarez and Fernando de la Rua Chacho Álvarez and De la Rúa: long faces

On October 5, 2000, de la Rua decided to make changes to the cabinet without consulting his own party leaders and Freipasso, Alfonsín and Alvarez. They are a turning point Two decisions that particularly angered “Chacho” were Fernando de Santibañez He remains head of SIDE after he complained about alleged bribery in the Senate to approve labor reforms, and Alberto Flamaric At the heart of the Rose Palace, he rose from the Labor Party to become Secretary-General in the Presidency.

The day after being sworn in, Alvarez resigned, arguing the changes They strengthen those who were once enemies They rejected his calls for the resignations of officials and senators implicated in the bribery affair.

4- Néstor Kirchner VS Daniel Scioli

The relationship between a Patagonian and a former motorcyclist is Full of disagreementsIn many cases, this is the product of an adversarial perspective.

On the one hand, Scioli never denied his alliance with Eduardo Duhalde, whom he thanked for advising him to combine his electoral program with Kirchner. That bothered the Santa Cruz native, who claimed the choice was his.

The first shock came to the government when the House of Representatives approved the repeal of the total standstill and due obedience laws. Sciorley said he disagreed with a measure that to him expressed “a clear sign of legal insecurity” that could complicate the economic gains Duhalde has made during his tenure.

Kirchner and Scioli, campaign poster Kirchner and Scioli, 2003 Campaign

But the most explosive moment came when, after a private meeting with businessmen at his home, Scioli cut himself and announced at an IDEA seminar in Tucumán Electricity and gas bills rising In October 2003, charges were brought against the privatized company. A group of government officials come out to deny.

“One week after the confrontation began,
Scioli tried unsuccessfully to get Kirchner to host him, declaring that day: “They voted for me too.” This move resulted in Scioli Kirchner losing all his posts in the Tourism Secretariat personnel and did not care for him for several weeks. The message repeated by Kirchner’s ministers was: “Yes, one’s personal profile, no, one’s political unit,” journalist Daniel Miguez said in his book. 10 yearspublished when the Kirchnerist period reached ten years.

In fact, Kirchner Removal of all officials associated with Sholly from government. Chief of Staff Alberto Fernandez calls for the resignation of the Minister of Tourism and Sports, Germany PerezTo Your Athletic Planning Coordinator, Victor Grupierreand national park superintendents, Sergio Zaragoza. The Vice President remained silent for nearly two years, during which time he endured attacks from all sides with no response. christina kirchnerand then the Senators.

5-Christina Kirchner VS Julio Cobos

“Let Cobos learn the role of vice president,” the then-president initiated on January 8, 2010, in which she accused him of participating in “How much discussion is there against the government?” and said “it’s strange to see someone accompanying you to the formula and who is the opposition candidate for the next round.

christina and cobos CFK and Cobos, at the second inauguration of the former president

Logically, he remembers what happened on July 17, 2008, when a Mendoza man spoke out against his government’s bill on mobile withholding taxes for rural producers. This definition was immortalized by the vote.”negative“I want to stay as vice president until 2011, but my heart tells me I should vote no,” the activist leader said on the morning of the Senate runoff.

To prove this, he added: “I know that the President of Argentina will understand me because I do not believe that a law that does not resolve this conflict will work. History will judge me, I don’t know how, but I hope this is not understood as a betrayal, I am not betraying anyone, I am just acting on my beliefs”.

6- Alberto Fernandez VS Cristina Kirchner

The former president had plans for the 2019 election that included her, but the reasons for her victory were already in government. The link is broken.

The rupture became particularly evident in 2021 after the government lost legislative primaries, while the pandemic was still ongoing.

Cristina Kirchner criticizes Alberto Fernandez and orders lawmakers to give Javier Millay first political test

This comes after several Kirchnerite ministers tendered their resignations, including Martin Guzman (economic) and “Peter Watteau (Indoor) Alberto was the first to break the silence. “Now is not the time to raise disputes that change our path,” he wrote on Twitter. He added: “I have heard my people. I will not tolerate high profile and arrogance. Governance of Govt. It will continue to evolve the way I see fit. That’s why I was chosen”.

Cristina Kirchner and Alberto Fernandez Cristina Kirchner and Alberto Fernandez, one each

In the afternoon, Cristina published a long letter on the same social network, further underlining the situation. He insisted that cabinet changes were necessary because he took into account “There are officials who are not workingAfter speaking of a “political disaster,” she also reminded the president that she was the one who nominated him, despite his harsh criticism of her over the years.

7-Javier Mire VS Victoria Villaruel

Differences Between Presidents Javier Miley This vice intensified during Villaruel’s months in power. is raising his profile..

Although they appeared together at the July 9 parade and smiled on top of a tank, the Vice President said a few days later that the relationship between the two was “very good”, but judging from Villarruel’s public remarks on social networks The relationship between the two is clearly visible. Enzo Fernandezwas questioned in France for singing a racist and homophobic song during the America’s Cup consecration celebrations.

Miley and Villarreal Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel spark something

In a later interview, Millay himself stated that the tweet was Unfortunately Because “you can’t create institutional chaos in diplomacy because of sports issues. But that’s it, Khali solved it,” he said. Therefore, his sister was also involved, and she went to the French Embassy in order to “explain that the unfortunate comments that occurred on social networks were personal actions and that the government does not mix issues of sports enthusiasm with diplomatic issues.”Version revealed at press conference Manuel Adoni.

Troll War: Users who are fans of Victoria Villarruel enter the social network of Karina Milei

The episode stretches out as an army coordinates its actions Virtual militants and trolls She publicly expressed her support for the Vice President and did so on time in a post in which Karina Milei changed her profile photo. Sources at Casa Rosada told PERFIL about the vice president and her relationship with the executive branch, “everything is broken” and “she does not belong in the government.”


#Rudeness #resignations #crossfire #examples #tension #president #vice #president



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