Despite the expiry date, the Chinese army is besieging Taiwan with maneuvers

Despite the expiration of the previously announced date, it continues Chinese military exercises in the waters around Taiwanalthough its scheduled expiration date is Sunday.

“Siege and joint defense”

In details, the Chinese Army’s Eastern Combat District Command continues its exercises around Taiwan on Tuesday, although it was supposed to end on Sunday, but the main focus is now on carrying out “joint blockade” and “joint defense” operations, according to a statement. for this leadership.

“The Eastern Combat Command of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) continued to organize joint military exercises in the sea and airspace around Taiwan Island on August 9, focusing on organizing joint blockade and joint defense operations,” Beijing said in a statement.

“Maneuvers in preparation for the invasion”

On the other hand, Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu confirmed Tuesday that Beijing is using air and sea maneuvers around the island to prepare for its invasion and change the status quo in the Indo-Atlantic region.

“China used maneuvers and military plans to prepare for the invasion of Taiwan,” Wu said at a press conference in Taipei, adding that “China’s real intention is to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait and the entire region.”

‘Weakening the morale of Taiwan’

“It is conducting large-scale military exercises and missile launches, as well as cyber attacks, a disinformation campaign and economic pressure in order to demoralize Taiwan,” he added.

The Chinese army had organized large-scale exercises using missiles, aircraft and warships, in response to the visit of the US House of Representatives Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, to the island.

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Maneuvers in 6 regions

The exercises began on August 4 in 6 areas in the waters around the island, and were supposed to end at noon on August 7, but they continued.

Beijing did not say when the exercises around the island would end, while the Chinese government’s Global Times quoted analysts on Monday that the Chinese army’s military exercises near Taiwan will become routine, and will not stop until the island and mainland China are reunited.

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