Despite the criticism, Alberto Fernández supported the invitation to Nicolás Maduro to the CELAC summit POLITICS El Intransigente

Next Tuesday in the City of Buenos Aires the VII Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States will take place (CELAC). Alberto Fernandez He is the president of this organization and was in charge of inviting all the leaders of the region. Among them is included Nicolas Maduro, of Venezuela, who was criticized by the opposition as a result of his political position.

Within this framework, the Argentine head of state did not sit idly by and supported his Venezuelan counterpart and even announced that he would accept the invitation. «Venezuela is part of CELAC and Maduro you are more than invited. As far as I know, it will,” revealed the Peronist leader in an interview with the Folha de São Paulo newspaper, which broadcast NA.

In this same sense, he added that “Argentina’s position in relation to Venezuela is to promote, through the Contact Group, the dialogues that are being carried out in Mexico.” He also stated that these conversations with Nicolás Maduro «can give good results“although” the idea is that Venezuelans decide among Venezuelans, not with us.

«The year that begins is decisive because most of the consequences of the war will begin to be seen now. And when the FAO says that 300 million people will die of hunger, we are very concerned, because we know that many of those people may be from Latin America. We are living in a particularly turbulent moment for the region, in which we have to work to guarantee the institutionality of democracy”, he concluded.

Criticism of Nicolás Maduro

When the invitation from Alberto Fernández came to light, in Together for Change they repudiated the arrival of Nicolás Maduro to the country for the CELAC summit. Such is the case that the owner of the PRO, Patricia Bullrich asked that he be “immediately arrested for having committed Crimes against humanityas happened with Pinochet in London, in 1998″,

For his part, Mauricio Macri considered that “the vast majority of Argentines feel ashamed that our country is associated with others where there is persecution, torture, drug-terrorism, political prisoners and fraudulent elections They mock democracy. The welcome to these dictators is not organized by us Argentines, but by a government that languishes in its mediocrity, one that will soon take the unfortunate honor of having been the worst government in the history of democracy in our country,” he said.

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