Despite everything, they continue to study medicine, by Jordi Alberich

Last week, I commented in this column on the Madrid health crisis and, especially, that concept of economy and society that, masterfully interpreted by Isabel Diaz Ayuso, is capable of combining the greatest economic growth with the entrenchment of marginalization and poverty. But, beyond what happened in Madrid, the consideration of health professionals is unfortunate; those who not so long ago, we applauded every followingnoon from the sales of our homes.

Medicine It is the most demanding career, both because of the difficulty in accessing it, the grade required is one of the highest, and because of the duration of the university years, practically double that of studies in business or right.

Thus, it might be expected that those who overcome so many obstacles and, moreover, exercise the most essential profession, occupy a central role in our society and, consequently, receive economic compensation according to said centrality. However, neither one thing nor the other. Neither in public nor in private.

The public sector, the one to which even those of us with private insurance turn, when the disease is really serious, has been fraying for some time now. What happened in the community of Madrid shows what, to a greater or lesser extent, happens everywhere.

In turn, reality is even more complex in the private sphere, given the precariousness and low income from their medical corps. It is hard to believe that a doctor receives a few euros per medical act. Meanwhile, capital, often in the form of private equity, it continues to flow into the health sector, given the profits and capital gains that can be achieved.

We have done something profoundly wrong when a senior executive in the financial world can earn 25 times what a hospital department head receives. Fortunately, Money is not everything for many of our youth.



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