Desperate Cry for Help: Bystanders Scramble to Save Young Man Struggling in the Water

According to an eyewitness, three younger men ran around and tried to find a lifeline – without success.

– The three young men were the first to see that the man was about to fall into the water. He was very wobbly and went down the steps that lead down to the water – certainly not knowing where he was. Suddenly it got so deep, and then he fell in, and then he called for help, explains Peter Corfitz Holm, who is a retired state authorized accountant and lives right next to Toldbod Plads with the first floor to the harbour.

He ran down with his wife and participated in the search for the 25-year-old man.

– The three young people – they said they were new students in the city from last Tuesday – and they ran around asking where the life preservers were. They ran in both directions on the harbor without being able to find anyone. They told that they were bad swimmers and therefore they did not dare to jump into the water. They obviously sounded the alarm, says Peter Corfitz Holm.

And this is what the plate with the lifebuoy looks like from the front. Photo: Lars Pauli

The three young men of course raised the alarm, but could not find the lifelines.

And Peter Corfitz Holm can actually understand that.

– When I look down towards the water, there is just a large block of a dark iron plate that stands right out to the water. On the back of it hang the lifebuoys. They are very difficult to spot. When you stand at the water’s edge and look for a drowning person, you don’t just turn around and spot the lifebuoys, says the eyewitness to Wednesday evening’s drama.

He explains that the three young people were deeply affected.

– But who in the cave would also know that behind a large ugly iron plate on the harbor there was a lifeline, says Peter Corfitz Holm.

The neighbor to Wednesday’s drama also tells of other accidents – including a manly tourist who drove into the harbor in his car. Here the tourist’s wife drowned, while the driver himself was saved.

He calls it a disaster that the municipality rejects something as small as benches or barriers that could prevent people from smoking in the harbor near Toldbod Plads.

The new drowning accident breathes life into the debate about safety at the port in Aalborg. Photo: Lars Pauli

The municipality is failing and is indirectly responsible for the drowning accidents, he believes.

Just over two years ago – on the night of 4 February 2022 – 21-year-old Oliver Ibæk Lund drowned after a city trip.

At that time, he was seen on surveillance cameras falling into the water. But it took a long time before he was found.

At the time, security at the port was hotly debated, and councilor Jan Nymark Thaysen (V9) announced on that basis that investigations should be launched into security at the port and whether more could be done for security.

The following year – in March 2023 – the councilor himself – after a visit to Aarhus – suggested that a fence similar to a similar fence be erected at the harbor in Aarhus.

We are trying to get a comment from the councilor on the safety of the harbor in light of the accident late Wednesday evening.

2024-09-05 07:46:45
#students #wanted #25yearold #water #find #lifebuoys



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