Desperate Call for Freedom: Detainee in Tocorón Fights for Life Against Brain Cyst

  • The NGO said that the young man was arrested in the state in the context of post-election protests.

The non-governmental organization (NGO) Justice, Encounter and Forgiveness called for the release of Edurbelys Pérez, a 23-year-old man with a brain cyst, who is being held in the Tocorón prison in Aragua.

“We join the call for the immediate release of the young Edurbelys David Pérez, 23 years old, detained in the state of Apure during the post-election protests, because he suffers from a brain cyst and cognitive disability,” the NGO stated on its X account (formerly Twitter) on Friday, September 6.

Justice, Encounter and Forgiveness urged authorities to prioritize cases in which detainees have delicate health conditions.

“State authorities must give priority to cases in which persons deprived of liberty have special health conditions, since it is their obligation to guarantee their well-being,” he added.

The NGO insisted that the young man requires ongoing medical treatment, which is not currently being provided to him.

What is known about Pérez’s arrest

Nahir Mota, director of the Comando con Vzla in Apure, said that the authorities arrested the young man in Guadualito, Páez municipality of this plains entity, in the context of the post-election protests. However, she did not specify the exact date of his arrest.

“Relatives are asking for his release because he is innocent. His life is in danger for not complying with the corresponding treatment,” Mota denounced on his X account (formerly Twitter) on September 5.

EFE/Miguel Gutierrez

According to Justice, Encounter and Forgiveness, the authorities accused Pérez of the alleged crime of inciting hatred and transferred him to the Tocorón prison.

More than 700 political prisoners transferred to Tocuyito and Tocorón

The Venezuelan Prison Observatory (OVP) reported on Saturday, August 31, that the government of Nicolás Maduro carried out the transfer of more than 700 political prisoners, detained in the post-election protests, to the Tocuyito and Tocorón prisons, located in Carabobo and Aragua, respectively.

Through a statementThe NGO reported that on Sunday, August 25, according to the family members, a group of detainees were admitted to the Yare III Capital Judicial Internment Center (Miranda state). The OVP stated that their hair was allegedly shaved and they were dressed in blue shirts and pants.

Relatives demand information on the whereabouts of prisoners who were transferred from Tocuyito prison

EFE/ Rayner Peña R

“They were later transferred in at least 14 buses to the Aragua Penitentiary Center, known as Tocorón; the New Liberator Man Training Center, known as Fénix Carabobo; and the facilities of the evacuated Carabobo Penitentiary Center, known as Tocuyito,” he said.

Other transfers recorded by the OVP were from the states of Nueva Esparta, Táchira and Apure, on Friday, August 30.

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#release #detainee #Tocorón #suffers #brain #cyst
2024-09-07 09:44:56

‍ What are the medical implications for Edurbelys Pérez, a young man with a‌ brain cyst, while being detained in a Venezuelan prison following post-election protests?

The Plight of Edurbelys Pérez: A Young Man with a Brain Cyst Arrested in ⁤Post-Election Protests

In the midst of post-election ⁢protests in Venezuela, a 23-year-old man named Edurbelys Pérez has been arrested and detained in the Tocorón prison in Aragua. What makes ​his case particularly alarming is that he suffers from a brain cyst and cognitive⁤ disability, and⁣ is in dire need of ‌ongoing medical treatment. The non-governmental‌ organization (NGO) Justice, Encounter and Forgiveness has called for his immediate release, citing⁢ his delicate health condition and innocence.

The Context⁣ of the Arrest

According to Nahir Mota, director of the Comando con Vzla in Apure, Edurbelys Pérez was arrested in Guadualito, Páez municipality, in the context of the post-election protests. The exact date of his arrest has not been specified, but it is clear⁤ that his detention is a result of his involvement in the protests.⁢ Mota has denounced the authorities, stating that Pérez’s life is in danger due⁤ to the lack of proper medical treatment.

The Call⁢ for Release

Justice, Encounter ⁤and Forgiveness has joined the call for Pérez’s immediate release, citing his brain cyst⁢ and cognitive‌ disability⁤ as reasons for his urgent need for medical ‌attention. The NGO has emphasized that state authorities ⁢have an obligation to guarantee the well-being of detainees with special health conditions.

“We join the call for the immediate release‍ of the young Edurbelys David Pérez, 23 years old, detained in the state of Apure in the post-election protests, because he ⁣suffers from a brain cyst and⁣ cognitive disability,” the NGO stated on its X account (formerly Twitter) on Friday, September 6‌ [[5]].

The Need⁤ for Medical Treatment

Pérez’s brain cyst ⁤and cognitive disability require ongoing medical treatment, which is currently not being provided to him. The NGO has stressed that his health condition makes him vulnerable and necessitates his release from detention.

“State authorities must give priority to cases ⁣in which persons deprived of liberty have special health conditions, since it is their obligation to guarantee their well-being,” the NGO⁤ added.

The Outcry for Justice

The case of Edurbelys Pérez ⁣has sparked outrage ⁣among ⁢human rights advocates and organizations, who are demanding his immediate ⁣release and calling for justice to be served. Marusca Bondini, a Twitter user, has ​joined the call for Pérez’s release, stating that he was “secuestrado por el régimen” (kidnapped by the regime) [[1]]. Similarly, MAGALLI MEDA, ⁤another Twitter user, has echoed‍ the call​ for Pérez’s release, citing his brain ⁤cyst and cognitive ‌disability [[2]]. Gustavo Ruiz, a Twitter user, has also joined the chorus,‍ demanding justice for Pérez and calling for his release [[3]].

As the situation ‌unfolds, it is clear that Edurbelys Pérez’s fate hangs ⁣in the balance. His case highlights the need for authorities to prioritize ‌the health and well-being of detainees, particularly ‌those with ⁣special health conditions. The international community ‌must continue to pressure the ⁢Venezuelan government ⁤to release Pérez and ensure that he receives the medical⁣ attention he so desperately needs.


[[1]]Marusca ⁢Bondini (@maruscabondini). Twitter. Retrieved from

[[2]]MAGALLI MEDA (@MagalliMeda). Twitter. Retrieved from

[[3]]Gustavo Ruiz (@GRRuizVE). Twitter. Retrieved from

[[5]]Justice, Encounter and Forgiveness (@JEPvzla). Twitter. Retrieved‍ from



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