your home. we connect morego aheadhope: we are seeing thatthe rain ate, we connectedwith you later massivestorm hits millions ofTravellers. we see images inalive and that show that theweather conditions affecttime, as deía guaré of thetime, those conditionspink, blue and greenflights are affected. there are more than5000 cancellations of the nationand more than 20,000 delays,hundreds in our area.that’s why we make contact withour partner jonathaninoa, who is fromthe international report ofnewark to know the panoramaat this time.jonathan: hope, thingsThey have improved a lot in theairport, following a dayfilled with many rows, longqueues, cancellations and delayson the flights. due to the greatflow of people travelingthese holidays forvisit their relatives inthis special time.this has been affectedmostly for this bombcicon and these conditionsclimatic that are affectingto all the pee let’s showa little the conditions in theairline counter,where there are not many peoplelining up. we see that thelugar esá pacticamentedesolate, but the conditionsthey were very different timesbefore, it was very different whenthere was a lot ofpeople who were for hourstrying to make these rowsfor them to check and addresstheir flights. many peoplethey were sitting waitingknow something regarding theircancellations. according to the portalof the internet, almost 10,000 flightsthey were delayed on the day oftoday and there was alsocancellations reaching the3000. we speak todaywith people regarding what they havelast.>> we missed the flight apartthere to give a lot oflaps and get checkedto get out.>> an airport there with a lottactic.I went the day before yesterday injfk, I thought it was wrong,pen ace bienI have never seen this.I have never seen it.jonathan: it is expected that in thetomorrow morning continuecancellations and delays