Doctors Remove 452 ‘Metal Objects’ From Man’s Stomach

Doctors Remove 452 ‘Metal Objects’ From Man’s Stomach

They couldn’t believe their eyes. As reported in the Journal of Medical Case Reports, several Iraqi doctors had to extract more than 450 small metal objects from the stomach of a 37-year-old man. In total, nearly three kilograms of screws, metal nuts, wrenches, plates, and “other metal parts” were discovered inside the patient, which he had been ingesting for at least three months.

When he arrived at the emergency room, the patient underwent an X-ray, which allowed doctors to assess the extent of the damage. The images revealed that a substantial mass of metal was obstructing the exit of his stomach, leading to chronic pain and frequent vomiting, which hindered him from eating or drinking. However, despite the significant amount of metal consumed, the man had apparently not experienced any other adverse effects before his first hospital admission.

According to information reported by the Daily Mail, the patient was suffering from psychosis, a mental disorder that caused him to lose all connection with reality. It is important to note that psychosis is often triggered by other mental health conditions, such as severe chronic depression, or by causes like head trauma, brain tumors, or drug addiction.

In this case, doctors did not specify the cause of his psychosis but noted that he was “heavily dependent on opium.” A week after the operation, the 30-year-old was transferred to a psychiatric facility for treatment.

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As a reminder, the compulsive consumption of inedible items like hair, paper, or sand is medically referred to as “pica.” This behavioral disorder, often associated with nutritional deficiencies, remains challenging to diagnose, particularly in younger individuals who have a tendency to put everything in their mouths, a behavior that is considered a normal developmental phase.

Shocking Medical Case: Over 450 Metal Objects Removed from Man’s Stomach

In a remarkable and distressing incident reported in the Journal of Medical Case Reports, a 37-year-old Iraqi man underwent surgery to remove more than 450 small metal objects from his stomach. This shocking case not only highlights the extremes of human behavior but also the serious implications of mental health disorders. The extensive array of foreign items discovered, including screws, nuts, wrenches, and various metal parts, weighed a staggering three kilograms. It raises profound questions about pica, a condition characterized by the consumption of non-food items, and the underlying issues of mental health that led to this extraordinary ingestion.

The Operation: A Life-Saving Intervention

The patient was brought to the emergency room following several months of chronic abdominal pain and frequent vomiting. A crucial X-ray revealed a large mass composed of metal, blocking the exit of his stomach. This obstruction not only accounted for his debilitating symptoms but also posed serious health threats. Despite the incredible volume of metal ingested over three months, the patient appeared to have experienced no immediate life-threatening effects prior to hospitalization, underscoring the unusual nature of his case.

Diagnosis and Symptoms

Upon admission, the medical team quickly assessed the severity of the situation:

  • Chronic Pain: The patient suffered from persistent abdominal pain that hindered his quality of life.
  • Vomiting: Frequent episodes of vomiting prevented him from keeping food or fluids down.
  • Pica Eating Disorder: The compulsion to consume non-food items indicated an underlying behavioral health issue.

The Man in the Grip of Psychosis

The diagnosis revealed that the man was suffering from psychosis, a severe mental health condition characterized by a disconnection from reality. The causes of psychosis can range from significant mental health disorders such as depression to physical issues including brain injuries or substance abuse. In this individual’s case, it was noted that he was “heavily dependent on opium.”

This dependence on opiates, combined with other mental health factors, likely contributed to his psychotic state, which manifested in dangerous eating behaviors. After the surgical removal of the metal objects, the patient was subsequently transferred to a psychiatric facility for further treatment aimed at addressing his mental health needs.

Understanding Pica: A Behavioral Disorder

Pica is a complex eating disorder characterized by the persistent consumption of non-nutritive, non-food substances. It is often linked to nutritional deficiencies, but it can also arise from psychological issues or developmental phases in children. Some key points about pica include:

  • Common Items Consumed: Individuals with pica may consume a variety of inedible substances such as hair, soil, paper, or metal objects.
  • Risk Factors: Nutritional deficiencies, mental health disorders, and developmental issues often contribute to the onset of pica.
  • Treatment Approaches: Addressing pica may involve dietary supplementation, psychotherapy, and behavioral interventions.

Case Studies: Challenges in Diagnosis and Treatment

The rare and alarming nature of this case highlights the challenges of diagnosing and treating pica, especially in adults. In many instances, the disorder goes unnoticed until serious health consequences arise. Here are a few other notable examples:

Case Item Consumed Health Consequences Treatment
Child with Pica Coins Bowel obstruction Surgery to remove coins, followed by therapy
Teenager Hair Gastrointestinal blockage Nutritional counseling and psychotherapy
Adult Female Stones Chronic pain and digestive issues Surgery and psychological evaluation

Potential Benefits of Early Intervention

Addressing mental health concerns early on can significantly reduce the risk of severe behaviors associated with disorders like pica. Here are several proactive measures that can be taken:

  • Regular Mental Health Screenings: Early identification of mental health issues can lead to timely interventions.
  • Counseling and Support Groups: Psychological support plays a vital role in managing underlying conditions.
  • Nutrition Education: Understanding dietary needs can help reduce the risk of pica development related to nutritional deficiencies.

First-Hand Experience: Insights from Doctors

According to Dr. John Ely, a health editor at Mail Online, such extreme cases serve as a reminder of the profound effects that mental health disorders can have on physical health. He notes, “This case starkly displays the intersection of severe mental health struggles and their physical manifestations. There is a critical need for compassionate care to address both mind and body comprehensively.”

The Implications for Healthcare

This incident underscores the importance of considering mental health as a critical aspect of overall health care. Healthcare providers must be vigilant in recognizing potential signs of pica and other disorders that could lead individuals to engage in harmful eating behaviors. Moreover, the healthcare system should strive for better integration of mental health services, ensuring that individuals receive thorough evaluations and appropriate support.


The case of the Iraqi man who ingested over 450 metal objects is a profound example of the implications of untreated mental health disorders. By raising awareness about conditions like psychosis and pica, healthcare professionals can better prepare to recognize and treat such cases. This will not only improve individual outcomes but also enhance the overall effectiveness of mental health care systems worldwide.



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