They abolished DNU, which ended in an insurance scandal, and revised state contracts

2024-08-21 23:23:06

With criticism of President Alberto Fernández’s government and Kirchnerism, the national governmentAnother step taken to push the country to deregulate. By presidential decree, Javier Milei The state’s obligation to provide contractual services to listed companies was abolished.

The decree, signed by President Javier Milley and initiated by the Minister of National Deregulation and Transformation, Federico Sturzenegger, was published today in the Official Gazette, Frees the state from the obligation to enter into service contracts with listed companies For example Nación Seguros and Banco Nación or only use YPF fuel or flights exclusively to Aerolineas Argentinas.

Although the problem had been reported a month earlier by Stuttzinger’s department, The measure was taken during a judicial investigation into insurance contracts involving Alberto Fernandez.

The Mire government repealed four decrees; Three of them were dictated by Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner in 2012 during her second term as president, and the remaining one was signed by Alberto Fernandezeffective from December 2021. Rental insurance policy through Nación Seguros SA., the economic units that make up the National Bank Group.

The former president was judicially reprimanded in February for entering into insurance contracts that would have benefited Fernandez’s entourage from commissions. Among those interviewed was Héctor Martínez Sosa, a friend of Fernández and the husband of presidential secretary María Cantero.

Another repealed Act (1187/12) has been confirmed The obligation to “pay wages” in the country through the National Bank of Argentina.

Decree No. 1189/12 establishes a contract “with YPF Sociedad Anónima for the supply of fuels and lubricants for motor vehicles, ships and business aircraft” for “jurisdictions and entities of the national public sector”.

The fourth decree repealed by Milei provides for the public sector to use “AEROLÍNEAS ARGENTINAS SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA, AUSTRAL LÍNEAS AÉREAS CIELOS DEL SUR SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA AND OPTAR SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA SERVICES Purchase domestic and international tickets for its officers, employees or retained consultants.

In his narration of President Milley’s decree, he mentioned another decree, the symbolic Decree 70/23 issued last December. Declares a state of public emergency in economic, financial, fiscal and administrative matters until December 31, 2025.

So-called “DNU 70”—despite being rejected by the Senate As long as it is not vetoed by members, it will remain in effect. – Established “a master plan for economic deregulation by removing state obstacles and restrictions that hindered normal economic development”. It clearly stipulates that “companies in which the state is a shareholder will not enjoy any public law privileges and will not be able to provide advantages in contracting or purchasing goods and services.”

They repealed the decree on state contracting: “It’s all over,” Strutsinger said

Strutzinger, the spokesman for the Mire government, explained in a strong political tone the goals pursued by repealing the four decrees. In a text posted by the minister on his social network accountPrivileges of Nación Seguros, YPF, Banco Nación and Optar in public procurement”.

“Public companies must serve citizens, not take advantage of them. If these privileges in turn foster corruption or maintain the political class, then they must be abolished,” the minister said.

The catastrophic decree forcing people to buy insurance from Nación Seguros was repealed. The system was so bizarre that a broker was hired to arrive at a legally enforceable contract,” Stutzinger said of the regulations created by Alberto Fernandez.

He then assessed the other three repealed decrees: “Decree No. 1191/12 requires the purchase of tickets through Optar SA’s basic Campista unit. Decree No. 1187/12 forces public employees to receive their salaries at the National Bank, Decree 1189/12 forces them to buy fuel from YPF and the state cannot enforce cheaper prices. All these decrees mean is the transfer of resources from taxpayers to these companies,” Sturzenegger concluded.

Government seeks to abolish DNU, which fuels corruption through insurance

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