Dermatologist Xavier Sierra Valentí: A Tribute to a Renaissance Doctor in Terrasa

2024-01-20 11:10:00

He died in his Terrace adoptive the dermatologist Xavier Sierra Valentí. The sad news was announced by the president of the Official College of Physicians of Barcelona (COMB), Jaume Padròswhich defined him as “a humanist doctor, a great and generous disseminator of history, art and culture. An irreparable loss.”

Also the Spanish Academy of Dermatology Venerology (AEDV)in a note signed by its president Yolanda Gilabertewanted to show his regret for Sierra’s death.

Graduate in Medicine from Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)specialized as a dermatologist in Madrid, halfway between Complutense (where he received his doctorate) and San Carlos Clinical Hospital.

After a brief period in Madrid, the doctor from Girona dedicated the rest to providing care in Terrasa and Barcelona, ​​as doctor of the Catalan Health Institute (ICS)subspecializing in the field of History of Dermatology. He was a founding member and vice president of the European Society for the History of Dermatology.

Elected academic of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Cataloniaamong other awards, received the COMB Professional Excellence.

He also had time to graduate in Humanities by Open of Cataloniawhich was a sign that other doors had opened in his mind thanks to his innate curiosity.

Thus, came his facets as a poet, essayist, translator… He was the author of the blog ‘A dermatologist in the museum‘, with more than 1,800 entries that wove a network between their specialty and art. “To the artistic, historical or anthropological vision, a dermatologist can contribute new approaches,” Sierra himself commented as a declaration of intent on his blog.

This blog caught the attention of the writer and film director Anthony Verdaguerwhich made him the protagonist of the documentary ‘Dr. Xavier Sierra, museum dermatologist‘ within a series dedicated to unique people from Terrasa.

He spoke Catalan, Spanish, Galician, French and Italian, and he understood and made himself understood in English.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a healthcare professional.

#Xavier #Sierra #historian #Dermatology #dies



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