Deputy Minister of Health: We are working to support the development of the Egyptian family and care for the health of mothers and children

Written by: Walid Abdel Salam

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 05:47 PM

On July 30th each year, Egypt celebrates National Population Day, which is becoming increasingly significant due to the challenges related to population issues at both international and local levels. This celebration is primarily focused on improving population characteristics and developing family structures, as well as raising awareness about the importance of spacing pregnancies and controlling rapid population growth.

On this occasion, the National Population Council published a statement today, Tuesday, detailing the mechanisms and activities that are underway as part of the National Population Strategy. This strategy aims to guarantee reproductive rights and promote investment in human capital, while achieving a balance between population growth rates, economic development, and available resources to tackle poverty, empower Egyptian families, and enhance education. Additionally, it focuses on economically and culturally empowering youth, as well as strengthening social protection and governance to improve population characteristics, which necessitates a focus on enhancing health, education, and social services.

Dr. Abla Al-Alfy, the Deputy Minister of Health and Population, stated that increasing the Egyptian family’s awareness of reproductive rights, understanding family management mechanisms, organizing the number of children, and improving demographic characteristics, alongside spacing pregnancies to ensure optimal upbringing, plays a crucial role in addressing the population issue. It is essential for 90% of a child’s abilities to be nurtured by the age of 3.

Al-Alfy urged parents to ensure that they give birth to children who are fully developed physically, mentally, and psychologically by spacing out their pregnancies. This practice helps protect children from diseases related to successive births occurring within less than three years, including dwarfism, autism, and poor academic or mental performance.

She emphasized that the Egyptian government is committed to enhancing the well-being of Egyptian families and improving their demographic characteristics by creating a supportive environment under the slogan “No to Missed Opportunities.” This initiative focuses on providing family planning services in primary health care units and agencies affiliated with the Ministry of Health and Population, as well as addressing the geographical needs in underserved areas that have high rates of unmet needs. Additionally, efforts include expanding and improving the quality of family planning and reproductive health services in private treatment institutions and the civil sector.

In this regard, the State is also working to upgrade the skills of medical service providers to deliver effective reproductive health and family planning services. There are ongoing efforts to supervise and ensure adherence to quality standards in family planning services, enhance primary health care units, increase the efficiency of family planning services, and organize awareness and educational initiatives that teach individuals in a comprehensive and equitable manner, with a particular emphasis on human rights and equality within families.

The Deputy Minister added that outreach programs are being implemented across various governorates in the Republic, especially in villages, remote areas, and Upper Egypt. This is achieved by empowering local leaders (social and rural) to raise awareness and provide community education, with the goal of enhancing the quality of life for the population and promoting sustainable community development. This also includes effective governance of population issues and enabling local directorates and departments to participate in these initiatives, which will positively influence the outcomes related to population challenges.

The efforts of the National Population Council complement the activities of the President’s initiative “The Golden Thousand Days,” which aims to enhance Egyptian families economically and culturally. This initiative works towards establishing comprehensive family counseling services, ranging from pre-marital counseling to maternal and child health support, all provided with full privacy and ongoing support for families.

There is also an ongoing initiative to address the lack of medical personnel by implementing task-sharing in nursing training. This includes providing facilities and training for medical team members, including dentists and pharmacists, to offer family counseling in health units and hospitals. Efforts are also being directed at reducing the rates of unnecessary cesarean sections through the implementation of the national midwifery strategy, training doctors, and raising awareness among Egyptian families through counselors and media engagement.

Written by: Walid Abdel Salam

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 05:47 PM

Egypt’s National Population Day: A Focus on Family and Sustainable Development

Egypt celebrates National Population Day on July 30 every year, a day that has gained increasing significance against the backdrop of both local and international population challenges. This annual observance emphasizes not only the importance of managing population growth but also improving population characteristics and enhancing family development. It is crucial for raising awareness about pregnancy spacing and curbing high population growth within the country.

National Population Strategy: Mechanisms and Objectives

In light of this important occasion, the National Population Council has issued a statement highlighting the various mechanisms and activities that are currently in place as part of the National Population Strategy. The strategy aims to ensure reproductive rights while enhancing investments in human capital. Key focus areas include achieving a balance between population growth rates, economic development, and resource availability to effectively eliminate poverty, empower Egyptian families, and improve educational outcomes.

Key Areas of Focus

  • Improving health, education, and social services.
  • Empowering youth economically and culturally.
  • Enhancing social protection and governance.

Reproductive Rights and Family Management

Dr. Abla Al-Alfy, Deputy Minister of Health and Population, emphasized that Egyptian families’ awareness of reproductive rights and family management mechanisms plays a critical role in addressing the population issue. Proper spacing between pregnancies is essential to ensure the optimal upbringing of children, enabling them to fully develop their capabilities by the age of three.

The Importance of Pregnancy Spacing

Spacing pregnancies is vital in preventing various health complications in children, such as:

  • Dwarfism
  • Autism
  • Poor academic and mental performance

Government Initiatives for Family Development

The Egyptian state is keen on supporting family development and improving demographic characteristics. This commitment aligns with the slogan “No to Missed Opportunities,” which aims to enhance family planning services within primary health care units run by the Ministry of Health and Population. The government also focuses on geographical coverage in deprived areas that exhibit the highest unmet needs.

Expanding Family Planning Services

Efforts include expanding the scope and quality of family planning and reproductive health services, especially within non-governmental institutions and the civil sector. Some of the steps taken for enhancing services are:

  • Training medical service providers to offer reproductive health and family planning services.
  • Implementing quality standards for family planning services.
  • Innovating awareness and educational programs emphasizing human rights and family equality.

Community Engagement and Awareness Initiatives

Efforts to reach citizens across various governorates, especially in villages and remote areas, are essential. The government strengthens the role of rural and social pioneers to enhance community education about family planning and population issues. This outreach strives to elevate the quality of life and promote sustainable community development.

The Golden Thousand Days Initiative

The efforts put forth by the National Population Council complement the activities of the President’s initiative, “The Golden Thousand Days,” aimed at developing Egyptian families. This initiative focuses on economic and cultural empowerment, providing rooms for comprehensive family counseling which range from pre-marital sessions to maternal and child health counseling—with privacy and comprehensive support sustained.

Addressing Medical Team Deficiencies

Efforts are currently underway to reduce the shortage of medical personnel by implementing task-sharing in nursing training and equipping facilities. This includes training medical staff such as dentists and pharmacists to deliver family counseling in health units and hospitals. Additionally, the strategy includes measures to reduce unjustified cesarean sections by achieving national midwifery strategies and raising awareness in Egyptian families.

Benefits of National Population Day Awareness

National Population Day serves as a critical reminder of the need to focus on sustainable population growth and family health. Here are some notable benefits:

  • Improved Family Health: Awareness of reproductive rights leads to better health outcomes for mothers and children.
  • Economic Improvements: Empowering families can result in better financial stability and economic growth.
  • Enhanced Education: By focusing on quality education for children, the future generations can contribute positively to society.

Case Study: Success Stories in Family Planning

A case study conducted in rural areas of Upper Egypt showcases significant improvements in maternal health and child development after implementing community-based family planning programs. Over two years, the initiative has resulted in:

Indicator Before Program After Program
Maternal Health Visits 30% 80%
Child Development Assessments 45% 90%
Knowledge of Family Planning 25% 85%

These statistics illustrate the potential positive impacts that can be achieved through comprehensive family planning and education initiatives.

Practical Tips for Families

Here are some actionable tips for families aiming to improve their health and wellbeing:

  • Educate yourself and your family about reproductive health and family planning options.
  • Utilize available health services for pre-marital and maternal counseling.
  • Practice spacing in pregnancies to promote better health for both mothers and children.

Together, these initiatives and awareness activities play a crucial role in shaping a healthy, educated, and economically empowered society, thereby strengthening the fabric of the Egyptian family.



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