Deputy asked CGC for an audit of the Saas that provided vehicles and security to Martínez – 2024-04-29 19:50:28


Deputy asked CGC for an audit of the Saas that provided vehicles and security to Martínez

Miguel Martínez was presidential commissioner of the Government Center for one year, without being an official from 2021 to January 14, 2024, he used State resources for his security.

Miguel Martínez, former director of the Government Center, was sanctioned by the United States. Here during the act of calling for Elections in January 2023. (Free Press Photo: Esbin García)

The deputy of the Will, Opportunity and Solidarity (VOS) bench, José Chic, delivered yesterday, April 26, to the Comptroller General of Accounts (CGC), a request for an audit to be carried out at the Secretariat of Administrative Security Affairs (Saas). ).

The request arose after the current secretary, Iván Carpio, confirmed that one of the people closest to the former president, Alejandro Giammattei -Miguel Martínez-, had a vehicle and State security even though he was not an official or family member of the president. As Carpio explained of the delegation of 11 vehicles that the then president had, the figure of “incorporated” was created so that Martínez could also enjoy these privileges.

Martínez was appointed in 2020, as head of the “Government Center”, a Presidential Commission that was the link between the ministers of State and the president. Although this was dissolved at the end of that year, Miguel Martínez had SAAS vehicles and security until January 14, 2024.

“We ask for an audit so that the necessary complaints can be filed, so that these types of events do not go unpunished,” said the congressman. He asked that those directly involved be sanctioned, as well as the corresponding sanctions be issued.

Other cases

The request also added that an audit be carried out on the construction of the Bicentennial Park of Cobán, Alta Verapaz, begun in the last administration. According to the legislator, there are doubts about the amount that was initially Q25 million and this rose to Q31 million, apart from the fact that the work has not been completed despite the fact that it was awarded in 2022.

“We want an audit to be carried out on that nonsense they did at the National Theater, which is the construction of the Dance School, which at the end will end up being a large parking lot, because the drains are not useful and the design is not functional,” he indicated. Chic, who added that according to the authorities, if the project is to be recovered, it could reach Q100 million in expenses.

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