Deputies from Bolivia and Chile denounce that Evo Morales is behind the shipment of lethal bullets to Peru: head of the Dircote spoke

The Bolivian deputy Erwin Bazán spoke regarding the violence unleashed in Peru.

A lots of It has become the main region affected following the restart of the protests, on January 4, once morest the administration of the president In Boluarte. In the province, according to a report from the Ombudsman18 deaths are reported: 17 in Juliaca and 1 in Chucuito.

In this scenario, at least two officials from neighboring countries such as Bolivia y Chile spoke out once morest these clashes and stated, through various communiqués, that Evo Morales and its political operators are behind the increase in violent acts in the country.

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As denounced by the Bolivian deputy Erwin Bazanof the party we believethe support group for the Bolivian leader known as the “Red Ponchos”linked to Movement to Socialism (MAS)“were caught transporting bullets to arm supporters of Pedro Castillo”.

“They are (…) to shoot at citizens of Peru, to kill Peruvian citizens, to fill Peruvian families with mourning and pain (…) they are no longer Red Ponchos in Boliviathey are paramilitaries, nothing else can be said of those who are transporting bullets”, he commented.

Erwin Bazán condemned the former president’s self-coup. (Twitter @ErwinBazanG)

On the other hand, the Chilean deputy Clare Barchiesi He also testified on the subject. During one of the sessions of the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies, he regretted that the Government of the Chilean president Gabriel Boric has not condemned the interference of Morales in the country, a fact that has already been confirmed by the Peruvian dignitary In Boluarte.

“They have not said anything regarding the interference of Evo Morales in it Peru, which has become a real battlefield (…) Evo’s interference has not only been ideological, he has sent Bolivian agitators in an indeterminate number and he himself has entered southern Peru, promoting the creation of the Aymara nation. Too there is information on the shipment of smuggled weapons“, he claimed.

The statements of Barchiesi y Bazan They coincide with what was denounced, previously, by the Peruvian authorities in recent days.

Juan Carlos Liendo, former head of the National Intelligence Directorate (DINI)stated days ago that the management of Boluarte He did not have “an adequate response” to the protests. According to him, he specified, the way in which violent events are administered “does not correspond to reality because they are not simple social manifestations.”

“Neither the Police nor the Armed Forces are going to solve that. The solution is mainly political in nature. (…) It is not a matter of spontaneous citizen protest, here is an attack once morest the Peruvian State that is inefficient, inept and corrupt”, he pointed out.

On the other hand, the senior prosecutor Jorge Chavez Cotrinanational coordinator of the Specialized Prosecutors once morest organized crimereferred to the deaths that occurred in A lots of. The representative of the Public Ministry reported that 17 civilians were killed by a firearm projectile (PAF).

It may interest you: Chilean lawmaker accuses Evo Morales of causing violent protests in southern Peru

In addition, he denied that the prosecution intended to coerce the population. “They say that we have sent prosecutors from Lima to change the autopsy protocols. That is false,” he commented.

In this line, Enrique Sotomayorhead of the Emergency Department of the Carlos Jorge Medrano Hospital (Juliaca), reported that nine people died had injuries from a firearm projectile.

“What strikes me, as a doctor, is that they are entering firearm projectiles, but without an exit hole. It is as if they were bala’s “dumb dumb”explosives, inside the body,” he asserted.

A doctor in Juliaca (Puno) reported that some of his wounded appear to have been hit by dum dum bullets (Point and Solution)

These expansive bullets have as their main characteristic their fragmentary effect, this factor gives them a generalized explosive quality, that is, when they touch their target, they expand causing more pain and damage, according to the National Superintendency for the Control of Security Services, Weapons, Ammunition and Explosives for Civil Use (Sucamec).

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The weapons called “dum dum”, forbidden to be used even in times of war, should not be confused with those of hollow pointsince the latter do not have a fragmentary effect nor are they explosive.

At a press conference on the arrest of the ‘Comrade Cusi‘, the boss of the Directorate Against Terrorism (Dircote) of the Peruvian National Police (PNP), Oscar Arriolareferred to the complaint made by the aforementioned deputies.

There are investigations that are in turnthat it is not possible, at this time, [detallar]. But at any time, surely soon, it will be reported. Citizens have the right to be informed of what is really happening in our country (…) It is reserved, ”he commented in dialogue with the media.

As detailed by General PNP, the Prosecutor of the Nation, Patricia Benavides, has commissioned the Prosecutor Jorge Chávez Cotrinato a special group of the Police and a sector of Intelligence of the Ministry of Interior (Minister) to inquire regarding this alert.


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