“Depression and Diet: The Link Between Food and Mental Health”

2023-05-10 10:46:29

Many scientific research and studies confirm the relationship between depression and the type of diet that a person follows. A recent Chinese scientific study found that fried foods, for example, have a negative effect on mental health, as they cause anxiety, stress and depression, according to the “CNN” platform (CNN).

Scientists from Hangzhou, China, found that frequent consumption of fried foods, particularly potatoes, was linked to a 12% increased risk of anxiety and 7% depression, compared to people who did not eat these foods. The association was more pronounced among youth and younger consumers.

Fried foods are known risk factors for obesity, high blood pressure and other disease effects. These results open “a path to the importance of reducing the consumption of fried foods for mental health,” according to the research, which was recently published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal PNAS, and CNN quoted the most important of it.

What are the most foods and drinks that have been scientifically proven to increase anxiety, stress and depression? What are the substances that these foods contain that lead to or increase these mental disorders?

1- Cakes, biscuits and sweets

These foods contain large amounts of sugar, and a large body of research indicates that they lead to feelings of anxiety, stress and depression. The journal Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews (Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews In a review of more than 300 scientific studies that looked at the interaction between sugar consumption, emotions and stress, the researchers found that a diet rich in sugar is associated with anxiety, cognitive impairment and depression.

Eating sugar found in biscuits and sweetened foods and drinks increases the risk of mood disorders (Shutterstock)

2- Foods with added sugar

She points out Another study That consuming sugar found in sweetened foods and drinks increases the risk of mood disorders in both men and women. Therefore, it is very important to stay away from “delicious foods” that contain large amounts of sugar, and it is preferable to dispense with fresh fruits as a healthy alternative to satisfy human craving for sweetened foods and drinks, according to the “US News” platform (US News).

Coffee and tea are drinks that contain caffeine and increase anxiety, stress and panic attacks (Shutterstock)

3- Coffee and tea

Caffeine-containing beverages, such as coffee and certain types of tea, can increase anxiety, tension, and panic attacks, because caffeine activates adenosine receptors that stimulate and excite the central nervous system in humans.

Experts say that excessive caffeine intake can increase the risk of panic attacks, especially in people who already suffer from pre-existing mental conditions and disorders, as well as in adolescents, according to the previous source.

And he concluded scientific reseach It was published in the Journal of General Hospital Psychiatry in 2022 that consuming an amount of caffeine equivalent to approximately 5 cups of coffee causes panic attacks in a large proportion of people with “panic disorder”.

The researchers confirmed that caffeine also increases anxiety in patients with panic disorder, as well as among healthy adults. The results of the study indicate that caffeine influences important mechanisms in the body related to the pathophysiology of panic disorder.

Consumption of processed meats such as sausage, mortadella, and canned beef causes anxiety and depression (German)

4- Processed and packed meat

If you eat a lot of processed meats, such as sausage, mortadella, and canned beef, you are more likely to be anxious and depressed. And found scientific studies There are many important links between the consumption of processed red meat and an increased risk of depression and its symptoms, just as there are with fast food. Scientists attribute this to its high content of trans and saturated fats.

Therefore, we advise you to stay away from all processed and packaged meat, and replace it with fresh meat. A diet full of fiber-rich grains, fruits, vegetables and fish can help keep you balanced, she said platform Psych Central Finally.

Eating refined grains affects mental health (Shutterstock)

5- Refined grains

Cereals, such as rice and wheat, are an essential part of the human diet in various countries of the world. However, refined grains (such as the process of converting brown rice into white rice) make these grains lose many of their beneficial nutrients and affect mental health.

Plenty of scientific research supports the link between refined grains and depression. And found one of the studies Studies conducted on postmenopausal women found that women who ate refined grains were at greater risk of depression, compared to other women of the same age.

Researchers, who analyzed the diets of more than 1,600 adults, noted that those who ate unrefined grains had a lower risk of depressive symptoms, according to Psych Central.

Frozen foods and meals of all kinds are linked to depression (Getty Images)

6- Frozen food

Frozen foods and meals of all kinds are loaded with regarding two grams of “trans fats” per serving. They are linked to depression, and they often contain “partially hydrogenated oils”, which are found in fried foods, pizza dough, cakes, biscuits and crackers of all kinds and shapes.

If you are a fan of fats, you can get them from fish, olive oil, nuts and avocados, as these foods will improve your mood and improve your mood instead of foods loaded with fats that are harmful to your health and the health of your family members, according to platform WebMed (webmd).

Energy drinks cause anxiety, insomnia and sleep problems because they contain high levels of caffeine (Pixaby)

7- Energy drinks

These drinks are widespread among adolescents and young adults, although they are not limited to them. They cause anxiety, insomnia and sleep problems, because they contain high levels of caffeine, large amounts of sugar and artificial sweeteners.

Therefore, we advise you to stay away from it, you and all members of your family, and replace it with drinking water and eating fresh fruits, according to the previous source.

#Stay #it. #foods #drinks #stress #anxiety #depression #Lifestyle



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