Depositors Association of SGBL Clients: Intensify complaints against the bank

The Depositors Association called on Societe Generale Bank SGBL clients to intensify complaints against the aforementioned bank to the supervisory authorities at the Banque du Liban and the judiciary, in order to put an end to its persistence with unfair procedures against account holders, especially savings accounts.

bank violations
In a statement by the Association of Depositors today, March 25, it explained that “contrary to all the contracts signed between Societe Generale Bank and its depositors, and after seizing people’s deposits for a period of about four years and imposing convincing regulations on them and dissolving them, the bank is carrying out a new fraudulent practice by pressuring these depositors and luring them with fraudulent means with the aim of Closing their accounts of all types and converting them into current accounts only.This is done by imposing what the bank calls huge “bank fees” that vary between 13, 20, 50 and 100 dollars, depending on the type of account, leading to deducting an amount of $ 200 per month from savings accounts unless their owners comply to convert them to Current accounts with a fee equivalent to 13 dollars per month.” The bank had sent text messages on the subject and set time limits to change the account type.

These imaginary commissions deducted from the money withheld in the absence of banking service are theft, extortion, and extra extortion from deposits for those who do not comply with the orders and interests of the bank.

Societe Generale Bank aims through these procedures to close the old accounts and withdraw the savings books from the hands of their owners, which constitute an executive document before the courts. A current account, new funds deposited after October 17, 2019, any unqualified funds (designations categorically rejected by the Depositors Association).

Depositors are caught between two edges of a knife hanging over their necks, either losing their legal rights or writing off their deposit through unlimited commissions. Hundreds of them have fallen into this trap, misled by officials who are now considered complicit.

Right complaints SGBL
The Association of Depositors warns against submitting to this blackmail and asks depositors to submit complaints to the supervisory authorities at the Banque du Liban, that is, the Banking and Judicial Control Commission. The Association also points out that the continued persistence of banks would fuel people’s anger, which is increasing and warns of an imminent explosion. Lebanese banks not only robbed people of their lives, compensated them, and insulted them, but also began to devise new ways to harm them.

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The Association is interested in pointing out that the Banking Control Committee had responded to the complaints of some “Societe Generale” depositors and the Association of Depositors, and sent a letter to the bank in which it requested stopping this process and announcing the retraction of this decision, which the bank did not do and is still procrastinating to this date. this.

Therefore, the Depositors Association calls for intensifying complaints, moving quickly, and asking these supervisory authorities to stop the criminality of banks and to set the ceiling for random withdrawals. It also warns depositors against falling into the trap of these practices and categorically rejecting them because of the negative legal consequences they have for them, and the Association undertakes to continue pressing until the bank’s explicit retraction of this fraudulent measure.

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