Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo announces the launch of work to document the health of healthcare professionals, identify good practices and improve access to occupational medicine. In addition, caregivers are called upon to respond to a national survey and share their best practices.
Workload and work-life imbalance are common and affect the mental health of healthcare professionals. Furthermore, the organization and conditions of their work have an impact on their physical health, resulting in the feeling shared by a quarter of health professionals of being in poor health.
If all professionals – all generations combined – are concerned, two populations of caregivers can be identified as more at risk: health professionals and students in health professions.
This combination of factors penalizes the attractiveness of health professions, whereas they were, until recently, among the most valued professional orientations. The challenges of promoting and preventing the health of caregivers, their well-being, go well beyond the hospital and now extend to all health professionals regardless of their place and environment of exercise.
This is why Agnès Firmin le Bodo wanted to start work, articulated around three axes:
- Document the health status of healthcare professionals;
- List good practices, identify existing organizational or normative supports in order to ensure a trajectory for improving the prevention behavior of health professionals;
- Analyze the conditions for improved and expanded access to occupational medicine for health professionals.
The aim is to draw up a shared, multi-year roadmap, and to begin its deployment by ensuring the visibility of the solutions that already exist. The objectives of this project aim, in addition to the preservation and promotion of their health and their ability to work, to develop an organization and a work culture allowing the development of prevention and health at work for these professionals, whatever their place of exercise, thus contributing to the positive image of health professions.
It is in this perspective that the mission “Caregiver Health – Let’s Innovate and Act Together” was officially launched. today on the occasion of the conference “All players in the health of health professionals”, organized at the Ministry of Health and Prevention.
Agnès Firmin Le Bodo notably brought together research players, the main institutions and representatives of health federations, but also professionals from health, social, medico-social establishments and services and the liberal sector as well as representatives of the voluntary sector.
The wealth of feedback and the morning’s discussions helped to highlight the work undertaken since last autumn, in particular the initiatives and practices making it possible to provide concrete responses to the deterioration in the health of healthcare professionals. health and to co-construct a roadmap, involving all stakeholders, for the coming years, in a movement to mobilize caregivers.
Agnès Firmin Le Bodo unveiled, alongside representatives of the MNH Foundation and the DREES, the four teams of researchers who won the call for expressions of interest relating to “the health of healthcare professionals” launched on November 16, 2022 (See box).
The first results of the research work are expected by the end of 2023.
Three health professionals, designated as qualified persons because of their professions, their backgrounds and the complementarity of their experiences, were commissionedby Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, to bring their expertise to the conduct of discussions and work:
- Philippe Denormandie, neuro-orthopedic surgeon and general delegate of the MNH Foundation;
- Marine Crest-Guilluy, general practitioner and invested in supporting health professionals who experience health problems;
- Alexis Bataille-Hembertnurse and spokesperson for the Caregiver Experience Design Chair.
A large consultation open to all professionals intervening in the health and medico-social sectors, drawn up in close consultation with all the federations, the representatives of health professionals, was launched on the occasion of this conference. The questionnaire of around forty questions will allow health professionals to question their health and their prevention approach. It is a tool at the service of all caregivers, distributed from today and available for consultation on the ministry’s website. The results will contribute to the development of measures for better health of healthcare professionals.
Participate in the consultation by clicking here
After the conference, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo said:
- Grossesse et maternité chez les professionnelles de santé : Le projet WOCAPREG étudiera l’impact de la profession et des conditions de travail des professionnelles de santé sur leur état de santé pendant et à l’issu de leur grossesse – porté par les équipes du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse, de l’Université de Toulouse, de l’INSERM 1295 et du centre d’épidémiologie et de recherche En Santé des populations (CERPOP). - Exposomes des professionnels de santé : Le projet SOIGNANCES évaluera l’état de santé global des professionnels de santé et l’impact de leurs métiers sur celle-ci en comparaison avec la population générale – porté par les équipes de l’Université d’Angers, l’Inserm Irset (Institut de recherche en santé, environnement et travail), l’équipe Ester et le CHU d’Angers. - Santé mentale et addiction chez les infirmières : Le projet TRAILS mesurera le lien entre les transitions du salariat de l’hôpital vers le libéral et inversement, et la santé mentale des infirmières – porté par les équipes de l’Institut de Recherche et de Documentation en Économie de la santé (IRDES) et de l’École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique (EHESP). - Incidence des cancers chez les professionnels de santé : le projet CAPESA identifiera les pratiques de dépistage, l’incidence des cancers et leur taux de mortalité chez les personnels de santé selon leur secteur et la profession exercée – porté par la Plateforme de recherche de l’Institut de Cancérologie des Hospices civils de Lyon, l’Unité Mixte de Recherche Epidémiologique et de surveillance Transport Travail Environnement Univ-Lyon ( l’UMRESTTE) et le Centre régional de pathologie professionnelle et environnemental (CMPPE) de Lyon.