Department of Disease Control reveals the situation of young children’s covids increasing indicates that cases of illness and death are found to have congenital diseases | delves into the health system

Department of Disease Control reveals information to monitor the situation of Covid Increased number of infections in children Even if the proportions of other groups are not different But considered to be careful The sick child died, found to have a congenital disease. Repeat! Parents be careful Since there is no vaccine for young children under 5 years of age, avoid places that are at risk of being crowded, people who are close to the children should be vaccinated as scheduled.

On April 4, 2022, Dr. Chakrarat Pittayawong-anon Director of the Division of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control, announced the situation of Covid 19 that the situation with the Covid-19 infection began to spread among children. Especially in the group of young children, the increase was found. The highest rate of morbidity per 100,000 population was aged 30-39 years, followed by 20-29 years, while the group aged 10-19 began to decrease due to semester breaks. 40 years and older and young children, the situation is stable. The death rate for the population of 100,000 people was similar to the last 2-3 months, with the highest being the age group of 70 years and over, followed by 60-69 years, and other age groups declined with age groups.

“For children aged 0-4, the Omikron wave has 27 deaths, 23 more than the previous wave, where the Omikron is highly contagious. family infection Especially families with poor observation of young children. It will make it too late to detect if there is an illness,” said Dr. Chakrat.

For the deaths among children aged 5-9, there were 3 cases, aged 10-14 years, less than the previous wave of 9 and 13, respectively. Children aged 0-14 years, the previous wave was higher. while the mortality rate per 100,000 people Because this ripple spreads a lot and quickly. to small children with congenital disease causing the mortality and morbidity rates of children aged 0-4 years to increase. by the deaths of children aged 0-14 years, both April and April 2021 and January 2022, a total of 104 cases, found that those with congenital disease were at higher risk than those without congenital disease. Therefore, parents are requested to closely monitor and observe the symptoms of children with congenital diseases. If there is even a slight illness or someone in the house is a patient or has been exposed to high risk A child who has started to get sick must be rushed to the doctor as soon as possible. especially children aged 0-4 years

“The 104 child fatalities found that in the last wave, there were 2 children who had a history of vaccination, while this wave included 2 children who had received 2 injections and 1 injection, a total of 3. If combined with the ripple,” In the past, it was 5 cases, but most of them still have a history of not vaccinating. Especially school age 5-9 and 10-14 years old may occur before we campaign for vaccination among children. Currently, there are children who have not been vaccinated in many cases,” said Dr. Chakrarat.

Dr. Chakrarat said that for the situation of Covid 19, aged 0-18 years in Thailand in the age group under 5 years because they have not been vaccinated Because the injection is scheduled for 5 years and older until there is a vaccine suitable for young children, it was found that the illness and severity of the disease in young children 0-6 months is a high-risk group. Those who are sick will have more severe symptoms and death than other age groups under the age of 5 years, while 5-12 years of age have relatively few deaths. Especially this wave, there are only 3 cases, less than 0.01%, therefore, for those aged 5 years and over, vaccination will help prevent serious illness as well.

In addition, for the risk factors for major outbreaks during Songkran group at risk of severe illness 1. Elderly people who rarely go out bed group May get the infection from caregivers, relatives and visitors. 2. Group 608 can still work, risk of infection from others, including friends, relatives, including going to crowded places. and 3. small children Especially under 5 years of age, 60% of the deaths were found to be at risk of family exposure, and the other 40% were unable to identify the source of the disease. As for school-aged children during the semester break, there was a decrease in the likelihood of infection. While working people still have a very high rate of infection. for risk locations Activities that are at risk of spreading diseases such as eating meals, drinking alcohol for a long time Attend events/events, public transport, crowded buses without complying with preventive measures

On the same day, Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong Director-General of the Department of Disease Control said that from the assessment of the situation of infection in children in the morning of April 4, 2022, it was found that young children had increased infections. but if compared with other groups The severity or mortality increased from the outbreak in 2021. In the number of children who died in this round, it was found that children had congenital diseases such as heart disease, brain diseases, etc. Therefore, the situation in children is not considered. has been more severe than last year But be careful because the child is not vaccinated. Because there is no vaccine for young children. It must be emphasized to parents not to take the child to high-risk places, crowded places. If sick, take him to the doctor. Parents, babysitters who are close to the child should be vaccinated.

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