They accused the city of violating the ban on fireworks during the Snow Festival

2024-08-28 16:04:23

he Save “Tradition” in the latest issue of National Ice and Snow FestivalThe city government has repeatedly emphasized that Including setting off fireworks At the end of each day, it’s just like previous versions until it stopped doing that about a decade ago.

Decide caused strong dissatisfaction among some people Does anyone rememberAnd the law expressly prohibits it.

Valeria Suarez She is part of a group of parents of children with PDD (pervasive developmental disorder) in Bariloche, and she attended the performance in the city’s main square last Sunday, as did one of her children the day before. He expressed dissatisfaction with the unexpected ending of the performance with fireworks. “The fireworks caused a lot of noise and lasted for about five minutes.”

He condemned the organizers Not only did they violate regulations that have been in effect since 1996but They accidentally spread advance notice. “If I had known, I would have left earlier or I would have protected my children in some way,” he said.

Suarez said Using fireworks “is wrong because this is a national park and because there is a ban. but still they should have foreseen itto avoid bad moments.

He pointed out One of the 16-year-old children has autism, and the other 10-year-old child has a mild mental disorder and “pees on his own” due to the influence of the sound. explode. He denied it was a “friendly, low-impact” fireworksJust as they assured the city.

Banned for nearly 30 years

Suarez commented Article 4 of Decree No. 676-CM-96 stipulates that special use of pyrotechnics during popular performances is permitted, subject to prior authorization. and the express statement of the municipal administrative agency do not exist in this case.

In the previous management processMayor Gustavo Gennuso, Pyrotechnic explosions are no longer used At a party. but his successor Walter Cortez decided to take it back, Just like the election of the Snow Queen, Activities such as axe-races and waiter contests that had been features of the festival for years have been abandoned.

This media has consulted Fabián Llacer, deputy director of the Municipal Supervision Bureau, who guarantees they didn’t complain for that subject and that He was also unaware of the ban. “I’ll have to take a closer look to see if it works,” he promised. Fireworks of any kind have never been sanctioned at sporting or social events since I arrived in the area six months ago.

Tourism Minister Sergio Herrero, who provided information from those responsible for the show, said the pyrotechnics used lasted no more than two minutes and had “little acoustic impact.” They noted that the products used were “within the permitted range of 70 decibels” and that “any sound in a musical performance would far exceed this range.”

Suarez pointed out Every year during the holidays at the end of the year, the municipality carries out preventive activities, remembering that this is prohibited.I wonder what they would say after what they did at the party.. This shouldn’t happen. National parks should also take action,” he said.

he said hePeople with autism spectrum disorder, “although not all”, often have hyperacusis and suffered severe damage from high decibel noise. This is especially true without prior notice.

In his opinion, “Although prohibited, They should have expected it to avoid bad moments”, and He gave the example that when an explosion occurred on Cathedral Hill, the Civil Protection Department issued a warning in advance to prevent avalanches.. “If you have a highly sensitive person in your family, you know what I’m telling you,” the woman said.

Suarez also questioned your complaint Yesterday reflected in digital media ANB of the city, per “After 24 hours they downgraded”eHe explained it as an episode of censorshipdue to pressure from the city government.

He also compared the path followed by the current management to that taken by Gennuso. “In the previous administration, we asked not to set off fireworks and they respected that. -He remembers-. The point is to be empathetic and considerate of others. But there is so much impunity…”

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