Dental veneers: installation, cost, maintenance, lifespan

2021-04-13 11:54:51

The dental veneer is a thin film of ceramic or stain-resistant composite resin made to measure for the patient, and glued to the visible face of the “smile teeth”.

Why put dental veneers?

“Dental veneers are intended to restore a more aesthetic smile to a person who complains of having one or more unsightly teeth by their shape, their slight overlap, their color”, explains Dr. Christophe Lequart, dental surgeon, spokesperson for the French Union for Oral Health (UFSBD). This may be, for example, to hide an incisor in the shape of a “grain of rice”.

” THE dental veneers are intended for the ‘smile teeth’, that is to say those that go from one canine to the other”, explains Dr Lequart. Which makes a maximum total of six teeth at the top and six teeth at the bottom: 4 incisors and 2 canines in the lower jaw and 4 incisors and 2 canines in the upper jaw.

When should you give up dental veneers?

Dental veneers are not for everyone. It is necessary, of course, to have a rigorous oral hygiene “but also don’t bite your nails or constantly chew on your pencil”, warns the dental surgeon. “Of course, the placement of dental veneers is only done on teeth free of caries “, specifies the dental surgeon.

Which dental veneers to choose?

There are two types of techniques for the placement of dental veneers.

Dental veneers with preparation

“Before the placement of dental veneers, the tooth is roughened and a thin layer of enamel is removed in order to have room to bond the ceramic veneer,” explains Dr. Lequart. “It is the most aesthetic technique”.

Dental veneers without preparation

This technique does not require no teeth work, before the placement of dental veneers. But, it is not without drawbacks. “You can have an overcontour at the neck of the tooth. Overcontour that can retain bacteria and cause a gum inflammation “, explains the dental surgeon.

Dental veneers and damaged teeth

The placement of dental veneers does not protect the teeth from caries ! “In case of simple caries, it can be treated without removing the dental veneer”, reassures Dr. Lequart. “On the other hand, if it is important, the installation of a crown will be necessary”.

How to place dental veneers?

This purely aesthetic treatment requires several appointments, warns the dental surgeon.

So you have to be patient! Before any placement of dental veneers, the good health of the mouth is checked.

First step, the dental surgeon makes an impression

The first step is done by the dentist, who makes an impression that will serve as a study model. “Then a mock up (preview mockup) is made by the dental technician in order to simulate the shape that we want to give to the teeth,” explains Dr. Lequart. This is the subject of a first date.

How are dental veneers prepared?

After the impression has been made at the first appointment with the dentist and the mock-up by the prosthetist, during a second appointment with the dentist (there is no need to consult another dental specialist), ” of the temporary veneers make it possible to simulate the final result in the mouth, and to make modifications if necessary”, explains the dental surgeon. “Either, they are just tried on and removed, or, when there has been preparation of the tooth or teeth, they can be kept temporarily”. This may allow the patient to getting used to the new shape of his teeth (square, longer, more triangular, etc.), as well as their color.

And, finally, during the last appointment, the final veneer(s) are bonded to the teeth.

Except for the first session, which is shorter, for the other appointments it takes between 45 minutes and an hour, warns the dental surgeon.

How to bond dental veneers?

These latter are stuck to tooth enamel using a specific glue. “Dental veneers are intended to be kept for life,” says Dr. Lequart. “It sometimes happens that a facet comes off. It can then be reattached by the dental surgeon”.

How to maintain dental veneers?

In brushing your teeth twice a daymorning and evening, for a minimum of two minutes.

You can use a manual or electric toothbrush, equipped with a soft brush, advises Dr. Lequart. And, we complete the brushing of the teeth by cleaning between the teeth using a thread and a dental brush.

Should we be careful while eating?

THE dental veneers allow you to eat normally. However, it is necessary be more careful with certain foods. This is the case of caramels“but also artichoke leaves, warns the dental surgeon. Indeed, when you eat artichoke leaves, you pull with your teeth from the back to the front, which risks taking off the facets”.

What are the disadvantages of dental veneers?

There are several of them. “It’s rare, but one or more dental veneers can come off and cause temporary discomfort until the dental surgeon glues it or them back together,” explains Dr. Lequart.

There is a much greater drawback because it is irremediable! “If the patient has chosen dental veneers with tooth preparationit is impossible to go back”, warns the dental surgeon.

The placement of dental veneers must therefore be carefully considered.

Dental veneers: what prices and reimbursement rates?

Pour the laying of dental veneers the fees are free. “You have to count between 700 euros and 1,200 euros per facet “, specifies the dental surgeon. A total cost that can quickly become very high if you decide to have veneers placed on all the teeth of your smile.

What reimbursement by Social Security?

The placement of dental veneers is considered to be cosmetic dentistryand like everything that is aesthetic, there is no social security coverage.

Which health insurance reimburses dental veneers?

Coverage by mutuals remains exceptional, warns Dr. Lequart.

You often have to contact specialized dental mutuals. Some mutuals (Cocoon, Sérénis Assurances, Generali, April, etc.) offer reimbursements for dental veneers, even if they are acts outside the nomenclature. The reimbursement amount varies depending on the chosen contract.

Dental veneers abroad

Faced with the cost of a dental veneer, some patients are tempted to make “dental tourism”. Effectively, in Hungarythe cost of a dental veneer is around 380 euros and in Spain from 500 euros. However, when you don’t know the practitioners, don’t you take a risk abroad? What if there are problems followingwards? It is better to think carefully beforehand! And for those who hesitate, there is still the possibility of using orthotics that clip onto the teeth and which are sold on the Internet, aesthetics will not necessarily be there…

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