According to the US National Library of Medicine, MedlinePlus, The plaque that accumulates between the teeth are bacteria that, if not removed, will turn into tartar. Therefore, daily hygiene of the teeth is important to avoid the appearance of cavities and other diseases that afflict them.
The American institution explains that electric toothbrushes have stood out more than conventional ones due to the mechanism they use.
However, they are not the only implements that can be used to remove bacteria from teeth, for example, dental floss can also be used, together with a regular rinse with plenty of water.
Likewise, it recommends not eating sugary foods and if you do, immediately brush your teeth before bed, that is, not eat any food following cleaning them at night.
Mejor con Salud, a website specializing in health and personal care, reveals some home remedies that can work as a complement to treat this condition:
- A tablespoon of baking soda (10 g).
- A small spoonful of salt (5 g).
- Agua.
- In a cup, add the baking soda and salt. Stir very well.
- Heat some water and soak your toothbrush in it.
- Then dip the brush into the mixture.
- Brush your teeth as your usual routine, especially in areas where there tends to be tartar buildup.
- Repeat the procedure in the morning and at night.
It is important to perform this procedure only once a week since “the acid of the lemon in turn might damage or weaken the dental pieces,” explains Mejor con Salud.
- Half lemon.
- Half a cup of warm water (125 ml).
To avoid the appearance of tartar it is important to have correct dental hygiene. Medline Plus, the website of the United States National Library of Medicine, explains some measures to avoid it:
- Brush at least twice a day. It is important to choose a brush that is not too large for the size of the mouth. Experts recommend choosing a toothbrush with soft, rounded bristles.
- Use electric toothbrushes, since they are better than manual ones.
- Floss at least once a day. It is important to use it gently so as not to affect the gums. Its use helps prevent periodontal disease.
- Visit the dentist at least every six months, to perform a deep cleaning of the teeth and an oral examination, to know the state of the teeth.
- Mouthwash can be gargled to identify areas where there is tartar buildup.
- It is important to avoid the consumption of sugary foods and drinks and junk food. In case of eating at night, you have to brush followingwards. Medline Plus emphasizes that you should not eat or drink, except water, following brushing your teeth, at bedtime.
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