denounced the kidnapping of his wife but later confessed that he had killed and dismembered her

And 36-year-old bricklayer denounced the extortion kidnapping of his wife for which they demanded a ransom of $100,000, but later he confessed that he had murdered, dismembered and thrown parts of the body in a field of the Buenos Aires district of Morenoreported today police and judicial sources.

Meanwhile, the firefighters and police from the Departmental Investigation Delegation (DDI) of Moreno-General Rodríguez this followingnoon continued a raid on a house on Azteca street at 200 in the town of Francisco Álvarez, where the Paraguayan couple lived. along with their five children.

Judicial and police sources reported that The investigation began yesterday morning when the person now detained, identified as Juan Darío Sanabria Báez, he went to the DDI to report that his wife, named Nilda Rosa González (29), had been kidnapped following going to the doctor in Morón.

The house where the femicide occurred.

According to his sayings, heThe captors sent her WhatsApp messages from her cell phone in which they demanded the delivery of 100,000 dollars to free her, otherwise they would kill her and sell her organs.

In light of this complaint, investigators from the Morón federal court analyzed the couple’s telephone numbers and determined that the The last location of both devices was on Route the couple would be together at that time.

Data that did not close to the investigations

The sources added that the man received a minimum wage for a work and that he owned a Renault 19 that did not work, so all those data drew the attention of the investigations, who continued to deepen the tasks on the alleged kidnapping until the mason confessed to the femicide.

The sources added that Sanabria Báez told the police that he had murdered her, that he dismembered the body and that he had thrown some parts in a field near Route 24.

The defendant told the Police that on Thursday night he was with his wife and children finishing dinner and then they all went to sleep.

However, both began to argue regarding a alleged “infidelity” in the relationship.

An argument at dawn and the murder

The couple continued with the discussion until late at night when, according to what Sanabria Báez said, he took a knife and He killed her with several stab wounds and then dismembered her.

In this way, DDI personnel carried out a search through the area until they found the torso, head and pelvic area inside a backpackon the property located on San Fernando Avenue in the El Quijote neighborhood of Cuartel V, between the border of Moreno and José C. Paz.

After the discovery of part of the corpse, the federal justice referred the case to the prosecutor Luisa Pontecorvo, in charge of the Functional Instruction Unit (UFI) 3 of the Judicial Department of Moreno – General Rodríguez.

The judicial officer ordered a emergency search of the couple’s house, where the Police found bloodstains and today the tasks continued looking for limbs in the cesspool.

In addition, the troops kidnapped several knives that might have been used to commit the crime.

Volunteer firefighters and specialists from the Scientific Police were at the scene from yesterday followingnoon until this morning, while investigators from the DDI from Moreno and General Rodríguez with officials from the municipal Women’s and Security secretariats worked on the victim’s house for the support of children and family.

Prosecutor Pontecorvo will investigate tomorrow the suspect for the crime of “homicide aggravated by the relationship and femicide”, which provides for life imprisonment.

The investigations awaited today the statement of Sanabria Báez before the representative of the Public Ministry since the version that he gave before the Police has no judicial validity.

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