Dengue fever: prevention and the responsibility of the state

2024-09-04 03:01:00

Over time, delays in putting preventive action on the agenda to prevent dengue from reaching uncontrolled health levels result in solutions that are always, or almost always, late.

That doesn’t mean the same thing will happen next season, but it’s worth warning that there are some inconsistencies in plans to deliver vaccines to all at-risk groups.

The management of these vaccination campaigns involves different levels of public administration, with national governments in the foreground. However, in the face of the peak cycle of the dreaded mosquito, only brief and faint promises of clarification can be heard so far. Aedes aegypti.

The so-called dengue season can begin in the summer and last until April, according to infectious disease experts and students of the subject. This viral disease, spread by the aforementioned insects, has caught us off guard.

Without pausing to weigh the relevance of a vaccine, especially for the highest risk age groups, other components should not be missing from any prevention program.

In this regard, the peak of the epidemic was reached in some areas of Argentina last season, with a pronounced shortage of products to control the pest, such as repellents and repellent tablets for use in enclosed areas.

It is also the responsibility of the political authorities to distribute these products free of charge or to provide them to the poorest sectors who cannot afford aerosol repellents at prices imposed by companies and some businesses taking advantage of high demand.

Other important tasks within the prevention framework include the cleaning of vacant lots and micro-dumps. This is the so-called “descacharreo”, initiated by the Municipality of Córdoba and inland cities and towns, and will continue in different communities and regions.

What has been said and bears repeating: For those who live in homes that may mutate into mosquito breeding areas, this is an endeavor that cannot be ignored.

We must acknowledge (and remain vigilant) that we are plagued by viral diseases that seriously impact people’s health, such as the recent outbreak of monkeypox, a highly contagious disease whose evolution is the reason for continued global monitoring .

The failure or reconfiguration of various programs being implemented by national governments during an economic crisis, reflected in rising poverty rates in the country, should not have an impact on health care.

It is within this framework that the state must take the lead in forecasting. For example, ensuring high-risk groups have access to dengue fever vaccines.

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