2023-04-24 09:19:28
Reporter Peng Qiaozhen / comprehensive report
More than 60,000 people are known to have been infected and more than 40 have died from the worst dengue fever outbreak in Argentina’s history.
A severe dengue fever outbreak occurred in Argentina. (Schematic / PIXABAY)
According to the “BBC” report, this wave of dengue fever in Argentina is mainly concentrated in the northwest. The Argentine Ministry of Health recently announced that this year is the year with the highest number of deaths from dengue fever in Argentina since 2009. Including the Argentine capital and 14 provinces, a total of more than 60,000 confirmed cases of dengue fever were found, including more than 40 deaths. Argentina has had large dengue outbreaks in the past in 2009, 2016 and 2020.
Local biologist Marianela Garcia Alba said that the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which spreads dengue fever, has become more abundant and has a wider range due to rising temperatures in Argentina and around the world.
Now local biologists are irradiating thousands of mosquitoes with radiation, and then releasing them, hoping that their offspring will not be able to survive due to DNA damage, effectively reducing mosquitoes.
But until the battle to reduce mosquitoes bears fruit, the government has called on people to step up anti-mosquito measures, including installing mosquito nets on doors and windows, using insect repellent and removing any water containers that may breed mosquitoes. The health department also reminds the public that if they feel unwell following being bitten by mosquitoes, they must seek medical attention immediately to avoid life-threatening due to delay in seeking medical treatment. Dengue symptoms include fever, headache, nausea and joint pain.
further reading
The 7th case of dengue fever imported from Kaohsiung!Man returned to Taiwan from Thailand and hospitalized for isolation
Beware of extreme joy begets sorrow when traveling abroad!Accidentally brought the “deadly infectious disease” back home as a gift
Dengue fever is here? 50-year-old Taichung man diagnosed with “fever and muscle soreness” following returning from a business trip to Southeast Asia
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