Dengue Fever Epidemic in Bangladesh: Record High Number of Cases and Deaths

2023-07-17 03:20:00

Xinhua News Agency reported from Dhaka. Bangladesh on July 17 that the number of dengue fever patients in Bangladesh hit a record high. Since January this year, last Saturday With 1,623 new infections reported and 7 additional deaths.

While the cumulative case statistics from dengue fever in Bangladesh since the beginning of this year At least 19,454 people, out of which 100 have died. The number of new cases in the first half of January alone reached 11,476 with 54 deaths, indicating that the dengue epidemic in Bangladesh is critical.

However, dengue fever caused by dengue virus infection with mosquitoes as vectors This can cause acute illnesses such as headache, high fever, fatigue, severe muscle and joint pain. Swollen lymph nodes, vomiting, and a red rash all over the body.

Information-Image : XINHUA

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