Dengue Fever: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

2024-01-14 06:54:00

It is another danger that is very close to the example. For the past period Dengue fever outbreak There are many people who are seriously ill. Some cases are severe enough to cause death. Today, Daily News Online I will take everyone to get to know this disease. How did that happen? And what are the ways to prevent and treat it?

Dengue fever Danger from Aedes mosquitoes
Dengue fever It is caused by the dengue virus (dengue virus), which is carried by Aedes mosquitoes that transmit the disease to humans. It is often found in tropical countries and spreads during the rainy season every year. Symptoms range from mild to fatal. If not treated in a timely manner

Communicating with dengue fever
Dengue fever It is caused by infection with the dengue virus. There are 4 strains: DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4. Female Aedes mosquitoes are the carriers of the disease. They are active during the daytime and suck the blood of humans as food. When Aedes mosquitoes suck blood from a patient during the fever stage. which has a virus in the bloodstream The germs burrow into the mosquito’s stomach and then live in a shell on the stomach wall. As more viruses emerge from the cells in the mosquito’s stomach wall, It travels into the salivary glands. The incubation period in mosquitoes is approximately 8 – 12 days when an infected mosquito bites another person. The virus then enters the bloodstream of the person bitten, causing infection and illness. Approximately 3 – 15 days after being bitten, symptoms of the disease can occur.

Dengue fever risk group
Can be found for all genders and ages. But it is often found in school-age children. and working age People at risk for severe symptoms or complications include:
-Infants and the elderly
– have obesity
-Pregnant women
-People who have red blood cells that break easily or diseases caused by abnormal hemoglobin
-Patients with congenital heart disease
-Patients with chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, ischemic heart disease, kidney failure, chronic liver disease.
-Take steroid medication or drugs in the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug group (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inammatory or NSAIDS)

Symptoms of dengue fever
In general, the first dengue virus infection Most patients, 80 – 90%, symptoms are mild. Some people may experience high fever, headaches, muscle pain, bone pain, and skin rashes. But if it is a second infection by a virus strain different from the first There may be severe symptoms resulting in dengue fever, which is divided into 3 stages:

1. During the fever phase, the patient will have a high fever most of the time. Most often, fever will be higher than 38.5 degrees Celsius to 40 – 41 degrees Celsius. It rarely responds to fever-reducing medication. There may be anorexia, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and there may be rashes or blood spots on the body, arms, and legs. This phase will last for about 2 – 7 days.

2.Critical phase: During this phase, the fever will begin to decrease.
-Those who do not have insertion syndrome, symptoms will gradually improve.
-Low platelets Makes it easy to bleed and symptoms will not improve There is still loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and more fatigue than before. There is circulatory failure. About 1 in 3 dengue fever patients will have severe symptoms. It occurs in a state of fluid circulation or shock. Due to the leakage of the plasma envelope into the lungs or abdominal cavity, hypovolemic shock occurs, which is most often accompanied by a rapid decrease in fever. The time of shock therefore depends on the duration of the fever. It can occur from the 3rd day of the disease or the 8th day of the disease. The patient’s symptoms will get worse. Begin to feel restless, cold hands and feet, light and fast pulse, and changes in blood pressure, which may lead to death.
– have abnormal bleeding due to low blood platelets, such as nosebleeds Vomiting blood This is usually black (melena). Gastrointestinal bleeding is most often seen with shock.

This phase takes about 24 – 48 hours, so if the fever has been around for more than 2 days and the symptoms have not improved. You should see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

3. In the recovery period, symptoms will begin to improve. The patient wants to eat High blood pressure The pulse gets stronger and slower. urinating more Some people have red rashes and small bleeding spots on their bodies.

When you start to feel sick, you should go for a checkup at a hospital or medical facility that can provide treatment. Your doctor will test your blood for the virus. or antibodies that indicate infection Including looking at the concentration of red blood cells The amount of white blood cells and platelets And you may periodically make an appointment to check for changes in platelets and blood concentration because if the platelet count starts to decrease and the blood concentration starts to increase. It is an indicator that blood fluid is leaking from the blood vessels and shock may occur. Need to give fluid compensation

Coping with dengue fever
Currently, there are no antiviral drugs that are effective enough to specifically treat dengue fever. Treatment of this disease is therefore symptomatic and palliative. This will be effective if the disease is diagnosed correctly at an early stage. The treating doctor must understand the nature of the disease and provide close care to the patient. Good care must be taken throughout the critical period of approximately 24 – 48 hours during which the plasma leak occurs, for example.
-If you are nauseated and vomiting a lot, eat and drink less water. Saline may be given intravenously.
-If the vomit has blood in it or low stool Blood replacement may be considered.
-If your hands and feet are cold due to low blood pressure after having a fever A larger amount of saline may be administered promptly.

Proper treatment of decoration at the right time It will bring the patient back to normal quickly. In cases where the symptoms are not severe It may disappear on its own in 2 – 7 days.

Basic care for dengue fever symptoms
1. Eat food and drink enough water. It is recommended to eat soft food. And refrain from food or drinks that are black, red, or brown so as not to be confused with gastrointestinal bleeding. If the patient eats little food or drink less water Observe whether you have drank enough water for the color of your urine to be light yellow. If it is dark yellow or white, it means that the body is still dehydrated. You may also drink milk, fruit juice, or a solution of powdered sugar and mineral salts (ORS). In cases of vomiting, you should drink a little at a time and drink. often

2. Reduce fever. Periodically wipe your body with warm water to reduce fever (and use paracetamol according to the dosage prescribed by the doctor). or only during times of high use Do not overdose as paracetamol may cause hepatitis. Do not use aspirin, ibuprofen, or non-steroidal anti-inammatory drugs (NSAIDs) because they may cause the blood platelets to lose function, causing them to bleed more easily and more.

3. Observe symptoms If it is found that the patient is very nauseous or vomiting, very tired, has severe abdominal pain, cannot eat or drink water. Have severe bleeding Suspected shock Especially when the fever starts to get low, such as low blood pressure. Light and fast pulse, cold hands and feet, little urine output, lethargy, confusion, restlessness, etc. You should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Prevention of dengue fever

1. Be careful not to get bitten by mosquitoes, such as sleeping under a mosquito net, wearing long sleeved shirts, long pants, or using mosquito repellents. It is recommended to use products that use DEET to apply to the skin outside of clothing.

2. Eliminate breeding grounds for Aedes mosquitoes, which are carriers of dengue fever.
– Close the mouth of the water container with a cloth, nylon net, aluminum, or other material that can completely cover the mouth of the water container. Until mosquitoes are unable to crawl in and lay eggs.
-Be sure to change the water every day. This is suitable for small containers that don’t have a lot of water, such as vases with fresh flowers. Even though it’s a vase on the altar for worshiping Buddha. Vase at the Phra Phum Shrine or vases decorated on the table including various types of containers and bottles, etc.
-Put sand in the plant pot saucer. To make the sand absorb excess water from watering the plants This method is suitable for large and heavy potted plants. For small plants, you may use the method of pouring out the water that is stuck in the saucer of the wooden pot every day.
-Collecting and destroying scrap materials such as bottles, jars, cans, etc., and old tires that are not used. Or cover it completely so that it cannot support water.

3. Get the dengue fever vaccine. which can currently prevent dengue virus infection and can reduce the severity of the disease only in adults or children over 6 years of age because the vaccine will be effective. Only in people who have had dengue virus infection before. Therefore, there should be a blood test before injection. You should consult your doctor before getting vaccinated.

Thank you for the information and pictures. Siriraj Piyamaharajkarun Hospital

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