Dengue cases and deaths have skyrocketed in Mexico this year

Dengue cases and deaths have skyrocketed in Mexico this year

Los cases of dengue and deaths from this disease have skyrocketed this year in Mexico, according to data from the federal Ministry of Health (SSA).

The The number of dengue cases has skyrocketed by 239%while the Deaths increased ninefoldA phenomenon that worsened in the summer and due to the rains, with Guerrero being the most affected state.

How many cases of dengue have been recorded this year?

According to the report Epidemiological overview of dengue feverAccording to the SSA, from the beginning of the year to August 19, 37,340 confirmed cases were recorded, more than triple the 11,023 documented in the same period in 2023.

For its part, 118 deaths from dengue were detectedwell above the 13 recorded in the same period in 2023.

As we already said, Guerrero is the most affected statewith nearly one in eight confirmed cases, 4,563, in addition to 21 deaths.

In Acapulco the situation worsened after the ravages of Hurricane Otiswhich broke the record for intensification of a cyclone in the Pacific on October 25.

Dengue fever “under control” in Acapulco

Martín Muñoz Chávez, head of the jurisdiction of the Guerrero Health Secretariat in Acapulco, said that The most critical was from January to Marchwhen there was a high peak in confirmed cases, but thanks to government actions the situation was controlled.

He specified that in Acapulco The four serotypes of the virus circulatebut serotype 3 is the most aggressive lately, which has not circulated in such abundance in the area since before the 1990s.

“In the 90s I had not been born the generation of 5 to 19 years oldand right now that generation is the one that is presenting us with complications,” he said.

“It shouldn’t be, since No one should die from dengue and it has been seen that they have died because they arrive at the hospitals in complicated conditions, almost at the point of death,” he lamented.

Dengue alert before returning to school

The authorities have shown Greater concern in schools after returning to school last Monday, since students are the most vulnerable.

Also September and October are approachingmonths in which more rainy days usually occur.

Health Promotion officials from the Secretariat in Guerrero, in addition to educational institutions, go to the neighborhoods with the highest number of incidents to stop the spread of mosquitoes that transmit the virus, but the coordinator Luis Antonio Vázquez warned of risks.

For security reasons we are not allowed to enter.That’s right, and there are several (areas), sometimes they just tell us not to enter and that’s it, we don’t enter anymore,” he said.

“But as far as we can go (we do it) because Yes we are working“In the surroundings, we also put up information stands,” he described.

Dengue epidemic ruled out in Acapulco

Another problem is the little participation of societysays the coordinator of the Vector Area, Raúl Estrada Aguilar, whose job is control the chain of transmission of the virusbut only 60% of the homes they visit allow them to enter and train them.

“The reluctance is very constant among the same familiessometimes they are sick and do not allow fumigation to be carried out inside homes that have already been reported to the health system.”

Despite the situation, the Epidemiological Surveillance area assures that at this time We are not experiencing an epidemic in Acapulco.

Doctors say anyone with symptoms should report them to authorities to determine which serotype of the virus they have.

#Dengue #cases #deaths #skyrocketed #Mexico #year
2024-09-04 21:23:08



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