Deng Xiaoping’s translation leaked? Rumors of Qin Gang’s death revive | Gao Zhikai | Al Jazeera | Mehdi Raza Hasan

[The Epoch Times, August 14, 2024](Comprehensive report by Epoch Times reporter Ning Haizhong) Gao Zhikai, a senior official from a Chinese Communist Party think tank and former translator for Deng Xiaoping, was recently interviewed by foreign media regarding the whereabouts of former Foreign Minister Qin Gang. He replied, “You will never see him again.” This statement has led some international observers to speculate whether the rumors of Qin Gang’s death are true.

On August 10, Al Jazeera host Mehdi Raza Hasan engaged in a conversation with Gao Zhikai, deputy director of the China and Globalization Think Tank, about various topics including the unification of Taiwan, the human rights situation in Xinjiang and Tibet, the Chinese Communist dictatorship, the disappearance of Chinese Communist officials, and the CCP’s suppression of dissent.

Hassan questioned the disappearances of Qin Gang and former Defense Minister Li Shangfu, asking what crimes they might have committed and if they had been interrogated. He noted that if officials such as U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken or Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin were missing, it would be alarming.

Gao Zhikai stated that he has been friends with Qin Gang for over 20 years, adding, “Qin Gang lost his job due to corruption.” When asked about Qin Gang’s whereabouts, Gao remarked, “He was dealt with quickly.”

Hassan pressed further, asking, “Where did Qin Gang go? He is your good friend, and you don’t even know where he went?”

Gao Zhikai responded, “You will never know.” He added, “He (Qin Gang) is somewhere in China; you will never see him.”

Gao Zhikai’s declaration that one would “never meet” Qin Gang has sparked significant discussion. (Further reading:Senior CCP think tank official accepted an exclusive interview with foreign media and was ridiculed for his propaganda-style response

Independent commentator Cai Shenkun suggested that the phrase “you will never see Qin Gang” implies that Qin Gang is dead. He questioned, “If he is still alive, why would you say you will never see him again?”

He further elaborated, “Initially, it was thought that the mystery surrounding Qin Gang would be clarified during the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee, but unexpectedly, the truth did not emerge. One of my readers told me multiple times last year that Qin Gang had died. This reader claimed to be very familiar with Qin Gang’s family. I have always found this news hard to believe. After all, no matter how ruthless the CCP is, it is unlikely to kill a foreign minister who has just taken office, especially since Qin Gang does not threaten other factions. The Central Committee’s Third Plenary Session still referred to him as Comrade Qin Gang. This reader told me again that he is still involved but doesn’t know how long it will last! I wonder if Gao Zhikai’s comments were approved by the CCP or if he inadvertently let slip this information.”

Cai Xia, a former professor at the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, commented, “The CCP is prone to lies and deception, and Xi Jinping is even worse. I don’t trust a single punctuation mark from the CCP. Yet many still believe the CCP’s CCTV News Network reports.”

Zhao Lanjian, a former mainland media figure, stated, “I maintain that Qin Gang died long ago because I am aware of the CCP’s system of persecuting its own people. When my friends shared this information with me, I was both a listener and a witness to the entire dark process.”

However, some netizens hold different opinions.

Aliya remarked, “Isn’t it house arrest or residential surveillance? Why must he be dead?”

Young China added, “That’s not necessarily true. It may mean that this individual will never appear in public again.”

In late July last year, news of Qin Gang’s “death” spread widely on the internet. Reports suggested he died due to “hepatic necrosis,” “suicide,” or “death by injection,” with the location of death alleged to be Beijing 301 Hospital.

The European edition of the American media outlet Politico published an unsigned article on December 6 of last year, claiming to have internal information from the Chinese Communist Party. It suggested that during a visit to China by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko, it was reported to CCP leader Xi Jinping that Qin Gang had rebelled with senior officials in the Rocket Force and leaked nuclear secrets to Western intelligence agencies. The article stated that Qin Gang died by suicide or torture in late July at a military hospital in Beijing that serves high-ranking CCP officials.

Originally the ambassador to the United States, Qin Gang became a member of the Central Committee during the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2022. He was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs in December 2022 and became State Councilor in March 2023. However, he vanished from public life after June 25, 2023, and was removed from his position as foreign minister on July 25, marking the shortest tenure for a foreign minister in CCP history.

Rumors abound regarding Qin Gang’s involvement in scandals such as espionage, extramarital affairs, and internal strife within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in July this year, it was announced that Qin Gang was removed from his position on the Central Committee, yet he was still referred to as “comrade.” Public sentiment generally suggests that this could imply Qin Gang might have a soft landing, but his current whereabouts remain unknown.

Editor in charge: Li Muen#

Recommended reading:

The Mysterious Disappearance of Qin Gang: Insights and Implications

On August 14, 2024, The Epoch Times reported on an intriguing interview with Gao Zhikai, a senior official at a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) think tank and former translator for Deng Xiaoping. Gao was queried about the unsettling fate of Qin Gang, the former Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China, leading to significant speculation about Qin’s current status. Gao’s cryptic remark, “You will never see him again,” has ignited discussions about possible theories surrounding Qin Gang’s disappearance, including grim speculations of death.

Qin Gang: A Brief Background

Appointed as China’s Foreign Minister in December 2022, Qin Gang previously served as the Ambassador to the United States, garnering considerable diplomatic experience. His swift removal from office within months raised eyebrows and sparked inquiries into the reasons behind his abrupt exit. A member of the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee since the 20th National Congress in 2022, Qin’s rapid downfall remains shrouded in mystery.

Context of the Interview

The interview conducted by Al Jazeera host Mehdi Raza Hasan on August 10 further deepened the enigma surrounding Qin Gang’s disappearance. Questions centered on the circumstances that led to the disappearances of not only Qin Gang but also former Defense Minister Li Shangfu. Observers noted that an equivalent situation arising with Western officials such as U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken would be deemed extraordinary and provocative.

Insights from Gao Zhikai

  • **Corruption Allegations**: Gao Zhikai attributed Qin’s downfall to corruption, subtly implying that his removal was due to looking bad on the party’s reputation.
  • **Uncertain Location**: When pressed on Qin’s whereabouts, Gao stated, “He is somewhere in China, you will never see him,” signaling a possible house arrest or even something more severe.

Gao’s statements are crucial as they lend weight to ongoing rumors about Qin Gang’s fate and have incited various interpretations, particularly among independent commentators and former CCP officials.

Speculation and Theories

Building on Gao’s comments, independent commentator Cai Shenkun suggested that the statement “you will never see Qin Gang” implies he might be dead. This dire implication emerged in light of continuous swirling rumors dating back to late July 2023, linking Qin Gang with severe health complications and even worse fates, such as suicide or torture. Observers remain uncertain about whether Gao’s comments were intentional or accidental, questioning the reliability of information from the CCP.

Rumors and Allegations Surrounding Qin Gang

Rumor Type Description
Health Issues Reports of Qin suffering from “hepatic necrosis” or similar conditions circulated widely.
Corruption and Espionage Accusations include espionage against the Chinese state and having leaked sensitive information to Western intelligence agencies.
Extramarital Affairs There are allegations of inappropriate personal conduct complicating his political fallout.
Political Maneuvering Speculations of internal strife within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and conflict with the military establishment.

Diverse Perspectives on Qin Gang’s Fate

Opinions regarding Qin Gang’s fate vary significantly—while some commentators posit he may have died or been severely punished, alternative views suggest a more benign interpretation, such as house arrest or simply a permanent disappearance from public life.

  • Aliya’s Viewpoint: Suggested that surveillance or house arrest could explain his absence, downplaying the death narrative.
  • Young China’s Insight: Proposed that Gao’s remark indicates Qin might never return to public life but doesn’t confirm a fatal outcome.

Political Context in China

The incidents surrounding Qin Gang highlight the clandestine nature of the CCP and its handling of dissent within its ranks. The disappearance or removal of high-profile officials often breeds speculation on various fronts, revealing an ingrained culture of secrecy in the Chinese political landscape.

Analysis of the Current Political Climate

As former officials and commentators decry the CCP’s propensity for deceit, Cai Xia, a former professor at the Party School of the Central Committee, illustrates an environment fraught with distrust. He suggests that if the CCP claims a narrative, it must be scrutinized under the lens of potential fabrication, promoting a culture of skepticism among the populace.

Historical Precedents of Disappearing Officials

The pattern of high-ranking officials going missing or being subject to political purges is not new in the CCP system. History showcases numerous examples where dissenters faced severe consequences, including:

  • Bo Xilai: Once a rising star who was implicated in a corruption scandal and subsequently imprisoned.
  • Sun Zhengcai: The former party leader of Chongqing, also purged amidst corruption scandals.
  • Yang Jiech: Another figure removed under dubious circumstances during the Xi Jinping administration.


While the current fate of Qin Gang remains unresolved, the ongoing discussions surrounding his disappearance illuminate the larger narratives at play in CCP politics. As observers continue to dissect the implications of Gao Zhikai’s statements alongside existing rumors, the situation remains fluid, characterized by uncertainty and speculation. The mystery surrounding Qin Gang serves as a reminder of the complexities and dangers inherent within the political landscape of modern China.



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