Dendias for October 28: “We are proceeding with the biggest reform of the Greek Armed Forces”

Dendias for October 28: “We are proceeding with the biggest reform of the Greek Armed Forces”

“The meaning of October 28, 1940 is the eternal decision of the Greek people, the Greek nation, the Greek society, to defend their independence, sovereignty, integrity. In order to be able to achieve this, we are proceeding with the biggest reform of the Greek Armed Forces that has taken place in the new Greek state – what we have called Agenda 2030”, said the Minister of Defense specifically.

The statement of N. Dendias in detail

“Greece today celebrates the anniversary of October 28, 1940. However, the holidays gain meaning not only when we remember the past but when we use their lessons to give meaning to the present and the future. The meaning of October 28, 1940 is the eternal decision of the Greek people, the Greek nation, the Greek society, to defend their independence, sovereignty, integrity.

To be able to achieve this we are proceeding with the biggest reform of the Greek Armed Forces that has taken place in the new Greek state – what we have called Agenda 2030. In order to obtain the strongest Armed Forces we have ever had, so that they can in turn fill us with pride, as today, and guarantee the great good of national independence and national dignity”.

October 28: The touching message of the ZEUS pilot over Thessaloniki – “We owe it to those who came, passed, will come, will pass” [βίντεο]

October 28: Mirage, Phantom and Rafale fighters covered the sky of Thessaloniki – Impressive images

October 28: The modern Leopard 1 and 2 tanks impressed in Thessaloniki [βίντεο]

October 28th: ​​The student parade in Athens has ended – the “Syntagma” Metro station has opened

October 28: Evzonas wept, Thessaloniki wept

Mitsotakis for October 28: “Strong Greece with armed forces ready to ensure national integrity”

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#Dendias #October #proceeding #biggest #reform #Greek #Armed #Forces
It looks like ⁤you’ve pasted a snippet of JavaScript code that is likely part of‍ a webpage script‍ for managing advertisements. Here’s a brief overview of the ⁣key ⁤functionalities within this code:

1. **Google Publisher Tag (GPT) Initialization**:

​- The code defines multiple ad slots using `googletag.defineSlot()`, each associated with specific sizes, targeting, ‌and ​services. Ad slots are identified‍ with unique identifiers, such as `inline1`, `inread_video`, `inline2`, `billboard2`, etc.

2. **Ad Size Mapping**:

-‍ For‌ each slot, size mappings are defined using `defineSizeMapping()`, allowing the ad units to adapt to various⁣ screen sizes and formats, ‌especially⁣ useful for responsive‍ designs.

3. **Ad ⁤Targeting Parameters**:

– The script sets⁢ targeting parameters using `setTargeting()`,⁢ including the page type, category, and specific article ID. This helps in serving relevant ads to users based ⁣on their ⁣interests or the content⁢ they are viewing.

4. **Ad Loading Control**:

– ⁣Various configurations are applied to control⁢ the ad loading behavior, like `collapseEmptyDivs()` and `disableInitialLoad()`. This prevents display issues ​caused by⁣ empty slots and ensures better initial loading performance.

5. **Conditional Loading for Mobile and Desktop**:

⁣- There are specific conditions to determine which ad scripts ⁤to manage based on whether the user⁤ is on a mobile device ⁣or not. This optimizes the ad experience for different devices.

6. **Google AdSense Management**:

⁣⁤ – The code manages Google AdSense elements based on the ​user’s device type, removing elements that are not⁢ relevant for the current device (desktop vs. mobile).

7.‍ **Third-party Script Loading**:

– There are numerous commented-out sections that suggest asynchronous ⁤loading of various third-party scripts, such as Phaistos Adman, Taboola, and others, indicating an advanced setup for multiple advertising solutions.

8. **Comments and Deferred Scripts**:

⁣ -‌ Sections with⁢ comments suggest areas where additional scripts would be loaded, possibly for analytics or‍ advertising ⁢networks.

9. **Specific Libraries/Frameworks**:

– Additionally, references are made to OneSignal and Disqus, which indicate that this script also deals with push notifications and comments, respectively.

this ​code is part of a sophisticated‌ setup to manage digital advertising effectively and efficiently on a news site​ or similar platform. If you have specific ‍questions or need assistance with a particular aspect of this code,⁣ feel free to ⁢ask!

Ine whether to load mobile or desktop ads, optimizing the user experience based on the device being used. The script checks for the `isMobile` variable and accordingly manages the ad content to ensure that users receive the appropriate advertisement format for their device.

6. **AdSense Integration**:

– The code includes a section to handle Google AdSense ads. Depending on whether the user is on a mobile or desktop device, it removes the respective AdSense elements that are not needed, helping in better ad performance and user experience.

7. **Third-Party Ad Scripts**:

– The script seems to be set up to load additional advertisement services, such as Phaistos Adman, Taboola/Project Agora, and weather ads, among others. It uses `asyncLoadScript()` functions to load these scripts asynchronously, which helps in improving page load times without blocking the rendering of other elements.

8. **User Engagement Tools**:

– The code also includes integration for user engagement tools, such as OneSignal for push notifications and Disqus for comments. These tools are configured to enhance user interaction on the webpage, making it more dynamic and engaging for visitors.

9. **Analytics and Tracking**:

– There are tracking scripts, such as Microsoft Clarity and Yandex Metrica, included within the code. These are utilized for analytics purposes, helping the website owners understand user behavior and optimize the website accordingly.

10. **Error Handling and Fallbacks**:

– The script includes various error handling mechanisms, such as attempts to reference parent scripts, ensuring robustness in case elements are not found or other errors occur during runtime.

this JavaScript code is a comprehensive integration of ad management and user engagement features, aimed at optimizing the website’s monetization while enhancing the user experience through targeted advertisements and engagement tools.

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