demonstration against the proposed change of constitution

Published on : 28/08/2022 – 04:17

In the Central African Republic, around 300 people gathered in the capital Bangui on Saturday afternoon to oppose a new Constitution. The demonstrators denounce a manipulation which aims to allow the head of state, Faustin Archange Touadera, to remain in power.

“No to manipulation”, “No to dictatorship”, chanted the demonstrators, who gathered at the call of the Republican Bloca coalition of some twenty opposition political parties and members of civil society.

According to the decree signed by the Head of State and his Prime Minister, the editorial committee is made up of 53 members, representing all currents of opinion. He will be responsible for submitting to the president a draft Constitution, specifies this decree, which can be adopted either by Parliament or by a referendum.

A move condemned by the opposition. The current Constitution prohibits the Head of State from running for a third term.

For months, demonstrations in favor of a modification of the basic law have been organized, bringing together more than a thousand demonstrators three weeks ago.

« I listened to you », said President Touaderaadding that he took note of the requests that had reached him.

The Republican Bloc denounces a plot, which according to it aims to break the lock on the limitation of the number of terms.

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