Democratic Party’s Kim Eun-kyung Innovation Committee: Reforms and Nomination Ahead of 2023 General Election

2023-06-20 08:28:00

politics | 2023.06.20 17:58

[서울=뉴스핌] Reporter Hong Seok-hee = The Democratic Party’s ‘Kim Eun-kyung Innovation Committee’ held its first meeting and began preparing a full-fledged reform plan.

In the end, it is predicted that the success or failure of the Innovation Committee will depend on whether or not to reform the nomination ahead of the general election next year. In addition, attention is focused on how independently he can play his role from the leadership, including party leader Lee Jae-myung.

[서울=뉴스핌] Reporter Lee Hyeong-seok = Chairman Kim Eun-kyung is speaking at the first meeting of the Innovation Organization of the Democratic Party of Korea held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 20th. 2023.06.20 [email protected]

The Democratic Party’s Innovation Committee held its first meeting at the National Assembly on the morning of the 20th and comprehensively discussed the content and direction of innovation. At the closed meeting on this day, it was decided to first look at the facts of the ‘2021 National Convention Money Envelope Case’.

Innovation Committee Chairman Kim Eun-kyung met with reporters right following the closed-door meeting and said, “Looking at the data on the money bag case, it is a serious matter.” I made it the first agenda item to come up with a plan for reform,” he said.

The fact-finding investigation into the ‘money envelope incident’, the root cause of the launch of the Innovation Committee, was a scheduled procedure. Furthermore, it is interpreted that the key is ‘nomination reform’, such as excluding incumbent lawmakers involved in the money envelope case from next year’s general election.

A first-time lawmaker belonging to the in-house leadership met with a reporter and said, “In the end, the most important thing is personnel reform. Without personnel reform, there is no meaning.” “he said.

Chairman Kim also seemed to emphasize the importance of nomination reform in his general remarks that day. He said, “Ahead of next year’s National Assembly elections, conflicts and confrontations over party nominations cause political hatred among the people.” must,” he said.

[서울=뉴스핌] Reporter Lee Hyeong-seok = Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung and Chairman Kim Eun-kyung shake hands at the first meeting of the Innovation Organization held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 20th. 2023.06.20 [email protected]

On the one hand, attention is focused on whether the Innovation Committee will be able to operate freely from the influence of CEO Lee. The screaming community is in a position to see the composition of the innovation committee or the setting of the agenda. It is argued that whether or not the abolition of the representative system, which is a requirement of the pro-Myeong faction, is a barometer of the independence of the Innovation Committee.

In a radio interview on the 20th, Rep. Cho Eung-cheon, who was re-elected, said, “I think we need to see what kind of people the innovation committee is made up of.” ” he mentioned.

Rep. Cho said, “If we focus on the abolition of the representative system and the recall of party members, it will be possible to make the point you mentioned.” will come out,” he said.

As if aware of this point, Chairman Kim also emphasized his ‘non-factionalism’ from the first meeting. He said, “I am a person who has no debt to the political world. Of course, it is not a personal name, a secret name, a family name, or an epitaph,” he said.

Ultimately, a key issue is whether the party leadership will accept the innovation plan completed by the innovation committee. There is a precedent in 2015 when the ‘Kim Sang-gon Innovation Plan’ was not fully reflected when he was CEO Moon Jae-in.

Regarding this, Chairman Kim said, “I know that the creation of the Innovation Committee itself was negotiated by the party in the process of setting up the Innovation Committee.” When he was in charge, he made a responsible statement regarding accepting it and actively accepting the innovation committee. I will believe in it and follow it.”

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