Democracy or an upside-down kingdom

2024-08-06 23:47:59

“Destiny is not written in the stars, but in our own actions” (Omar Khayyam)

María Elena Walsh left us this wonderful verse: “In upside down kingdom …The birds are swimming, the fish are flying… One thief is the watcher, the other is the judge, two plus two equals three.

Almost a quarter of the 21st century has passed. This description of the 20th century is very accurate. In it, we mistakenly named the “20th century”.society” Still refusing to learn.

Massacres on the left and right in the first half of the 20th century

This was rightly condemned by L. Mises (1927) 3. Communist International All means are allowed in the struggle to achieve the ultimate goal (power)…and anyone who does not unconditionally accept his teachings as the only true teachings and does not follow them blindly will be liquidated…destroy him and his family, Including these children…”

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

In fact, between 1918 and 1922 The “Red Terror” led by Trotsky The Cheka and the GRU, the Bolshevik military intelligence agency, arrested and executed thousands of people without judicial process.

But Mises himself made a tragic mistake in judging the world benevolently. nascent fascism:

“It cannot be denied that fascism and all similar authoritarian tendencies were motivated by the best of intentions and that their intervention temporarily saved European civilization. The merits of fascism will forever go down in history…Fascism was a temporary arrangement ; It would be a fatal mistake to think of it as anything else.

Clearly, this was not the case, as this author realized in 1944 when he called for “crushing Nazism” and “fighting like hell until the Nazi regime is completely destroyed”.

Let us remember some of Hitler’s “basic concepts”: “Before God and the world, the strongest has the right to make his will prevail”, “The people have never been liberated humanely and democratically”, war is the time to eliminate the sick .

Let us remember some of Hitler’s “basic concepts”: “Before God and the world, The strongest has the right In order to let their own will prevail’, ‘the people have never been liberated from humanity and democracy'”

Not counting combatants, the Nazi right killed 7 million Russian civilians, 6 million Jews, 3 million Polish civilians, 312,000 Serbs, 250,000 Gypsies, 70,000 homosexuals, and thousands of German opponents and people from occupied countries people.

this Stalin’s “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” He also murdered anyone who thought differently.; They reaped their “achievement” amidst the deaths of millions of people. Although “only” 777,795 judicial executions were counted, we must also take into account the deaths of 1,713,000 people deported to the Gulag, 22,000 Polish intellectuals massacred in Katyn, 3.9 million Ukrainians killed in the Holodomor and elsewhere Death by deliberate starvation.

Nazism is everywhere

These left and right ideologies are the “programmatic support” for the destruction and death of millions of people, in which only two things prevail: the struggle for supremacy of absolute power and a complete disregard for human life.

The second half of the 20th century…some learned, some didn’t

Western Europe, more than any other region, has learned the lesson of the need to rebuild countries on the basis of joint efforts and programmatic agreements between center left and center right, and to develop “national policies” commensurate with economic development and well-being. resident.

exist 1959 German Social Democratic Party, whose symbol is Godesberg Plan Transcendent changes that will affect all European social democracies. He abandoned Marxism, refused to “preach ultimate truth,” and saw democracy as an overcoming value.

According to this programme, freedom, justice and mutual obligations arising from common solidarity are compatible with the market economy and private property; the declaration reads: “Competition where possible, planning where necessary.”

The Goldsberg Program abandoned Marxism, refused to “promote ultimate truth,” and viewed democracy as an overcoming value.

The reader should not forget that these ideas allowed a country of 63 million inhabitants (West Germany) to be first destroyed, then extremely competitive, and integrated with equal rights and benefits into another country of 16 million inhabitants (West Germany) in 1990. erroneously called a democracy).

Not only Germany, but also many countries in the European Community have successfully achieved a combination of competition and economic development through democracy. This along with welfare policy, universal health coverage and social security.

The fundamental key is this: no theft, no crony capitalism, and no independent justice system where everyone is equal before the law and can punish those who break the law.

They succeeded in quelling genocidal nationalism in the Balkans and extending standards of inclusion to former “Iron Curtain” countries. For this reason, right-wing dictators like Putin try to harm them, because successful democracies are the antithesis of their ideal government (authoritarian dictatorships).

Many countries in the European Community have successfully democracythe synthesis between development competition and economic development”

When Europeans walked these paths, Africans killed millions in multiple genocides Examples include Zaire, Rwanda and Sudan. In North Korea, freedom is impossible. In 1989, so-called communist China killed 2,000 students and workers in the “Tiananmen Massacre” and suppressed demands for democratization.

Against the same backdrop of authoritarianism and populism on the left and right, Latin Americans are losing time and, for many, their lives. Between 1945 and 1990, miserable right-wing military dictatorships came to power in Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.

With this excuse and the “anti-communist flag”, thousands of innocent people were killed and new wealth was amassed through robbery.

Contradicting the liberalism he was supposed to admire, Hayek went on to say: “Freedom of choice must be practiced more in the market than in the ballot box. Free choice can exist at least in dictatorships, but not in democracies.” There are no restrictions under the system and cannot be restricted.

Between 1959 and 2015, human rights groups documented 7,062 deaths and disappearances in Cuba. There were 3,116 shooting incidents, 1,166 extrajudicial executions, 123 disappearances, 315 deaths due to medical accidents, and 146 suicides due to political reasons. The government’s harsh persecution and deaths of homosexuals went undocumented.

Those of us who have been lucky enough to visit this beautiful island were able to observe the kindness and suffering of the people, as well as the vice police grip, the abandoned industries and workshops, the barren land and the amazing excuse stories for the lockdown.

It must be pointed out that the Castro family has accumulated immeasurable wealth, and their descendants use high-end cars and boats to photograph themselves. Even today they continue to censor freedoms and people’s food and health conditions have deteriorated.


As Álvarez Junco points out: “Unlike liberal forms of participation that seek to implement systems based on the institutionalization of popular participation and the rule of law (democracy), populist forms are based more on aesthetics or etiquette Bonding, not institutions.

This is, without a doubt, Peronism, a populism inspired by right-wing Italian fascism, whose unproductive crony capitalism and corporate social structures are deeply entrenched in our country.

The left-wing version of the same Peronism (Montoneros) in the 70s was even more pathetic and violent than its ancestors, even though at the time he lived with his right-wing half-brother (AAA).

The complicit interaction of revolutionaries, Peronists and soldiers “succeeded” in triggering one of the largest massacres in Argentina’s memory.

Little learning in the 21st century

In our immersion in this topsy-turvy kingdom, these facts are forgotten and therefore basic concepts are disrupted, confused and mixed.

The repeated emergence of anti-democratic populism, the current reaction of the Latin American left, the current abortive elections in Venezuela, and some liberal responses suggest that we have not learned enough.

Left-wing self-reference casts a shadow on support for far-right Muslim movements such as the Taliban, Daesh, ISIS, Hezbollah, Jihad and Hamas, which specialize in killing civilians, especially women and children. Theocracy and regimes that kill girls are “closely” related.

It is even more absurd to defend LGBT entities from these extremist groups, since in Muslim countries they are persecuted (like in Russia), tortured and murdered.

The problem is not socialism repeated by liberals, but ignorance and ignorance. Dictatorship of the Left and the Right Suppression of freedom. they concentrate Achieving “total power” through coupor to perpetuate themselves in government through elections (like Hitler, Putin and Maduro), or through the dismantling of institutions through repression and crimes against humanity.

Does it look familiar? Abusing Walsh’s allegory, let’s add a new stanza that reads: In the kingdom of the Upside Down, the far right and the far left shake hands… trying to crush everything human.

Alberti said that a civilized plant cannot be propagated from seeds, just as a vineyard can only grow from its parts; so let’s copy what the Europeans did – do it right once.

#Democracy #upsidedown #kingdom



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