Dementia Watch Test: A Comprehensive Evaluation and Results Analysis for Early Detection

2023-07-03 16:00:00

Evaluation of the dementia watch test

The dementia watch test reveals important information about the test person. He explains:

whether the test person can understand instructions. whether they are able to plan their actions. how well their visual memory works. whether they are able to comprehend and represent a complex pattern consisting of a circle, a clock face and a time.

At a advanced dementia become frequent Numerals and hands drawn incorrectly or illegiblyin the case of severe dementia, patients sometimes only write their names or incoherent words on the paper.

Some test subjects position the dial and the hour hand correctly, but place the minute hand incorrectly. This so-called Minute Hand Phenomenon can indicate the onset of dementia.

The Results of the dementia watch test according to Shulman, the rating is from “1” (perfect) to “6” (no representation of a clock):

1 point: Perfect, no signs of dementia present

All digits are entered correctly. The time “10 past 11” is displayed correctly by the position of the hands.

2 points: Slight visuo-spatial errors

Uneven spacing between the digits. Some digits are outside the circle. Some digits are upside down. The test person drew guidelines to help them find their way around.

3 points: Incorrect time despite correct clock

Only one clock hand is shown. The time is written down as text (“10 past 11”). No time is given.

4 points: moderate visual-spatial orientation problems

Irregular spacing between digits.Missing digits.More than 12 digits.Digits are entered counter-clockwise.

5 points: Severe visual-spatial orientation problems

In addition to the features of 4, other or more pronounced abnormalities appear (additional circles are drawn, etc.).

6 points: No clock shown

The test person does not draw a clock at all. The representation bears no resemblance to a clock

The watch test for dementia detection is uncomplicated and can be carried out relatively quickly. Experts agree that it is a powerful method for early detection of dementia. Disorders of spatial perception are a common symptom, especially in dementia. A simple drawing of a watch is a good way to check these visual-spatial abilities. Important: Even if you can carry out the dementia watch test at home, a medical diagnosis is part of it, because your eyesight and hearing should also be examined.

The watch test is often used in combination with the Mini-Mental-Status-Test (MMSE) used; this combination has proven useful in studies. The (MMST) is a short test to record cognitive impairments in older people. It has a high diagnostic relevance for the diagnosis of dementia. It is often used as an initial test, especially when dementia is suspected. In addition, it is also used to track the course of the disease.

Also read more here: Dementia: This kind of humor could be an alarm signal >>

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