2023-09-02 11:13:28
At the initiative of Daily Cyclists Research and Action Group (Gracq), several dozen cyclists took turns on Saturday to make the Namur-Wavre journey. By this action, they wish to denounce the absence of a secure development along the National 4.
A first group of cyclists left Namur station around 8:45 a.m. They joined Rhisnes via the N904, where a second group was waiting for them to take over and engage along the N4.
In total, six groups took turns with stops in Gembloux, Walhain, Mont-Saint-Guibert and Louvain-la-Neuve. The passing of the baton was done each time by the transmission of a pump, a symbol of the pressure put on the Walloon government to get things moving.
Currently, cyclists who want to take the N4 do so at their own risk. The cycle path runs along the main road, often too close to motorists. The Gracq therefore calls for the development of a “cyclostrade” from Namur to Wavre, namely a continuous two-way path regarding four meters wide, really separated from the road to ensure the safety of users.
#Namur #Wavre #cyclists #mobilizing #demand #secure #development