Demand to the Medical Circle tripled for OSEP’s COVID patients

January 7, 2022 – 23:42

Last year the Government, OSEP and the Medical Circle signed an agreement for the entity to monitor the positive cases of coronavirus of those who have the social work of public employees. The strategy aimed to decompress the demand that the public system had. The president of the institution, Gabriel Correa, commented that at the height of the pandemic, an average of 170 patients were treated per day. At present, they have a demand of 500 cases daily. Even so, they assure that they have the professionals and denied delays by the entity.

The Ministry of Health has a list of patients who have a positive test result. In the case of those who have OSEP, they are referred to the Medical Circle and the entity assigns a professional to follow up. Those who do not have social work and those who do not have OSEP continue to receive the attention of the followers of the Ministry of Health.

“Last year we had more than 10 thousand patients followed by telephone. We made available the doctors of the Medical Circle who are specialists in medical clinics, infectologists, pediatricians for children and gynecologists for pregnant women. We did a great job and made some progress. For example, we write prescriptions for the medication, it is sent by WhatsApp to the patient, and they with that prescription, through a pharmacy that has an agreement with social work, can buy the medication and take it home. If the patient needs Some kind of home care, we call the ambulance, through ECA or Vital, they control it and they let us know if an admission is necessary. It is hard work, and now with this new wave we are receiving a little more than 500 patients per day . We are working at full capacity, taking into account that it is a month in which many people are on vacation, “explained Correa in statements to El Ancasti.

As a parameter to take into account, the president of the medical entity pointed out that last year, at the height of the pandemic, 170 patients were treated on a daily basis; today the demand for care has tripled or quadrupled.

From the Medical Circle they denied that they had delays in providing the service and attributed it more to the previous steps that the system has. “The delay in care is not due to the Medical Circle, the patients pass us and we just solve it. Before, the Ministry of Health screens if they have social work, then they go to OSEP and from OSEP they pass us. The Medical Circle he doesn’t have any kind of delay with patient care, “he said.

Correa also noted that the context of the pandemic and the pressure on the primary care system must be considered. “Sometimes difficulties are generated because there are patients who leave their personal data wrong to get in touch. There are no delays by the Medical Circle, the procedure has before an administrative burden that is Health and OSEP, that delay does not correspond to us” , Held.

“The difference with last year is that so far the cases are not so serious. Before hospitalization was needed, there were many deceased. Until now, the situation can be managed,” he assessed.


The agreement with OSEP was signed last year and is only carried out with that social work since no agreement was signed with others. Correa explained that OSEP pays for a health care module that corresponds to the days of follow-up. “The follow-up doctor has to do the agent’s certificates, but in addition, not only the patient who is affiliated with OSEP is cared for, but also the other people who are at home, even if they do not have OSEP. That is, if there is contagion at the agent’s home, we also take care of the other cohabitants and many do not have social work. The module that is paid contemplates that for seven days, the follow-up doctor must make one or two phone calls to the patient, write prescriptions , certificates and constant monitoring at any time, “he explained.

Finally, the professional pointed out that care is guaranteed, despite the significant growth of the case curve. He even commented that IT technicians were hired to carry out all the data loading, which is another leg of the system.


  • 1577: These are the cases of COVID-19 detected on Thursday, January 6, according to the Government website.
  • 67.289: It is the total number of COVID cases that were registered in Catamarca since the beginning of the pandemic.
  • 25 %: It is the percentage of oxygen beds occupied with COVID patients. It involves 42 hospitalized patients on 169 available beds.
  • 110.533: They are the positive cases that were registered yesterday throughout the country. There were 42 dead. There are 6,135,836 confirmed cases.



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