Delhaize: a trade union delegation blocks the Zellik goods depot

A delegation from the CNE union blocked Delhaize’s fresh produce and dry produce depots located in Zellik this Friday evening. A few hundred employees are at the main entrances to the depot, checking the trucks: only those that are empty can enter. Around 10 p.m., a bailiff was on his way to the deposit.

This blockage must last at least all night from Friday to Saturday. The objective is to prevent the restocking of Delhaize stores this Saturday, a busy day in supermarkets. “The management had promised not to change anything in the deposits in recent years. However, it recently closed the depot that handled the emptying and outsourced it to a company a little further away.the union said in a statement. Fortunately, the majority of the workers were able to be relocated to the other depots. But there is no indication that this will be the case if a depot closes once more.

The CNE specifies that the workers are also asking better working conditions” : “the workload is heavy, night work has a strong impact on health (…) The management had undertaken in a collective agreement to have at least 90% of permanent contracts. However, we note to date that the management continues to hire 30% of workers under precarious contracts, in particular students.

Finally, the workersalso refuse the additional flexibility requested by the management following the integration of a deposit in the second“.



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