Delgado describes Boric’s criticism of the Carabineros as “gross”

The former Minister of the Interior of the government of Sebastián Piñera, Rodrigo Delgadocame out to respond to the criticism that the current President, Gabriel Boric, made this Thursday to the administration of which he was part.

During his speech at the meeting with the Confederation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Conapyme), The President assured that during the previous government there was no increase in the resources that the State gives to Carabineros.

“Do you know how much the Carabineros budget grew in the last four years? Zero zero”, said the President, who even added that it was a fact that the general director of Carabineros, Ricardo Yáñez “can confirm.”

Words that did not go unnoticed by Delgado, who described as “gross” criticism of the head of state, whom -in addition- he blamed for having rejected, when he was a deputy, the budget for the police.

“This government’s criticism that our administration did not increase the budget of Carabineros de Chile seems quite crude”he maintained, adding: “We must remember that both the President, Gabriel Boric when he was a parliamentarian, and several of his ministers systematically rejected the budget for our police forces. Proof of this is on social networks, when he demanded the departure of a general director of Carabineros or the departure of a Minister of the Interior to approve the budget items of our police.

The publication to which Delgado alluded was made by the current head of state in October 2020, when Mario Rozas was in command of the uniformed police.



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