Delcy Rodríguez Raises Alarms About Electoral Integrity During Diplomatic Briefing

This Thursday, the Vice President Delcy Rodríguez held a meeting with the diplomatic corps accredited in Venezuela to denounce Alleged attacks by the opposition against the electoral system.

Their claim has to do with the results of the presidential elections of July 28, when The National Electoral Council (CNE) proclaimed Nicolás Maduro the winner despite not yet presenting the detailed minutes of the process.

The country’s electoral body, as well as the Maduro administration, denounced a Alleged sabotage and hacking led to a delay in the announcement of the results.

Following the announcement of the ruling party’s victory, numerous demonstrations broke out in the country in the days following the vote, actions that left, according to Maduro’s figures, More than two thousand people have been arrested so far between civilians and political figures.

“The only dictatorship here is that of social networks (…) that are at the forefront of promoting insurgencies, coups d’état”commented Delcy Rodríguez on August 8.

According to the vice president, there are inconsistencies in the records shown by the opposition, with “deceased people voting.” Also, He claimed that there is a lack of data on this mattersuch as those of the members of the table, incomplete and illegible minutes, as well as numerous signatures.

#Delcy #Rodríguez #denounces #attacks #electoral #system #diplomatic #corps
2024-09-07 13:39:25

What were the main allegations of fraud and misconduct surrounding Venezuela’s presidential elections in 2024?

Venezuela’s Presidential Elections: Allegations of Fraud and Unrest

Venezuela has been embroiled in a political crisis⁤ following the presidential elections on July 28, which saw incumbent President Nicolás⁢ Maduro declared the winner. The election results have been‍ marred by allegations of fraud, sabotage, and hacking, ⁤leading to widespread​ protests and unrest across the‌ country.

Maduro’s​ Victory Amidst Controversy

The National Electoral Council (CNE) proclaimed Maduro the winner of the presidential elections, despite not yet presenting the detailed minutes of the process [[1]]. This move has been met with skepticism‌ and outrage from the opposition, who claim that the electoral system ​has⁢ been compromised. The Maduro administration, however, has denied any wrongdoing and instead accused the opposition of attempting to sabotage the electoral process.

Allegations of‌ Fraud and ‍Hacking

The country’s electoral body, as well as the Maduro administration, has denounced alleged sabotage and hacking, which ​they claim ⁤led to​ a delay ⁢in the announcement of ​the results ​ [[1]]. This has raised concerns about the integrity of the electoral process and the legitimacy of Maduro’s victory.

Protests and Arrests

Following⁣ the‍ announcement of⁢ the ‌ruling party’s victory, numerous demonstrations​ broke out across the country, leading to‌ clashes with security forces and the arrest of over⁤ 2,000 people, including ⁢civilians and‍ political figures [[4]]. The protests ​have been met with force, and human rights groups have expressed concern ⁣about the government’s response to the demonstrations.

International Reaction

The international community has‌ been watching the situation in Venezuela ​with growing concern. The United States and other countries have expressed skepticism about the legitimacy of the election results, and ⁢have called ‍for an‌ independent investigation into ​the allegations of fraud and sabotage.

History of Contested Elections

This is not the ​first time that Maduro’s election victory has been contested. In 2018, Maduro was‌ declared the winner of the presidential election, despite​ allegations ‍of widespread voter fraud ⁤ [[2]][[3]]. ‍At the time, Venezuela’s⁤ highest ​court upheld Maduro’s victory, despite accusations of irregularities in the voting process.


The situation in Venezuela remains tense ‌and volatile, ⁤with the opposition refusing to recognize Maduro’s victory and ⁤calling for fresh elections. The allegations of fraud and ‍sabotage have⁢ undermined trust ​in the electoral system, and the government’s response to the protests has raised concerns about human rights abuses.⁢ As the situation continues to unfold, the international community will be watching closely to see how the crisis is​ resolved.


<a href="”>[1]




What evidence has been presented to support the allegations of fraud in Venezuela’s recent presidential elections?

Venezuela’s Presidential Elections: Allegations of Fraud and Unrest

Venezuela has been embroiled in a political crisis following the presidential elections on July 28, which saw incumbent President Nicolás Maduro declared the winner. The election results have been marred by allegations of fraud, sabotage, and hacking, leading to widespread protests and unrest across the country.

Maduro’s Victory Amidst Controversy

The National Electoral Council (CNE) proclaimed Maduro the winner of the presidential elections, despite not yet presenting the detailed minutes of the process [[1]]. This move has been met with skepticism and outrage from the opposition, who claim that the electoral system has been compromised. The Maduro administration, however, has denied any wrongdoing and instead accused the opposition of attempting to sabotage the electoral process.

Allegations of Fraud and Hacking

The country’s electoral body, as well as the Maduro administration, has denounced alleged sabotage and hacking, which they claim led to a delay in the announcement of the results [[1]]. This has raised concerns about the integrity of the electoral process and the legitimacy of Maduro’s victory.

Protests and Arrests

Following the announcement of the ruling party’s victory, numerous demonstrations broke out across the country, leading to clashes with security forces and the arrest of over 2,000 people, including civilians and political figures [[4]]. The protests have been met with force, and human rights groups have expressed concern about the government’s response to the demonstrations.

International Reaction

The international community has been watching the situation in Venezuela with growing concern. The United States and other countries have expressed skepticism about the legitimacy of the election results, and have called for an independent investigation into the allegations of fraud and sabotage.

History of Contested Elections

This is not the first time that Maduro’s election victory has been contested. In 2018, Maduro was declared the winner of the presidential election, despite allegations of widespread voter fraud [[2]][[3]]. At the time, Venezuela’s highest court upheld Maduro’s victory, despite accusations of irregularities in the voting process.


The situation in Venezuela remains tense and volatile, with the opposition refusing to recognize Maduro’s victory and calling for fresh elections. The allegations of fraud and sabotage have undermined trust in the electoral system, and the government’s



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