DEK SE SPU shares a very creative business ‘Jaifull Community’, a platform to help people with mental health problems.

Given the current array of problems—be they economic, social, familial, or personal—many individuals may be feeling stressed and unhappy. It is believed that numerous people are seeking ways to heal their emotional wounds caused by life’s challenges. Today, we are pleased to introduce “Nong Mai” Sumintra Paengsi, a student from the Faculty of Entrepreneurship at Sripatum University. She is part of the ‘Jaifull Community’, a creative initiative aimed at supporting those suffering from mental health issues.

Does SE SPU meet the needs of aspiring entrepreneurs?

“Mai”: When asked why I chose the Faculty of Entrepreneurship at Sripatum University, the answer is straightforward. There are numerous courses available, allowing cross-disciplinary studies, and providing comprehensive facilities. The environment is filled with opportunities for making friends and fostering connections while gaining practical experience. Overall, it’s an excellent learning environment that also boasts a high job placement rate upon graduation. Moreover, the tuition fees are reasonable, making SE SPU the perfect choice for me.

Key features of the Faculty worth highlighting

“Mai”: The Faculty of Entrepreneurship at SPU is designed for students to learn from real-world experiences, encouraging open-mindedness and fostering skills in analytical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. Additionally, it allows students to network with industry professionals and experts in various fields. Graduating from this faculty equips you to apply your knowledge and skills in becoming a successful business owner in the real world. Importantly, there are no traditional exams; student performance is evaluated based on their projects.

What can students expect when studying in this faculty?

“Mai”: The significant aspect is the hands-on experience. We learn what it takes to start a business, from the initial steps to the branding process. I had the chance to act as a CEO and manage a business even before graduating, which challenged my skills. The best part is that if my business fails, it only counts as a learning experience, rather than a setback in the real world. The experiences gained here will undoubtedly help me in growing my own business in the future.

“A very innovative business” — The ‘Jaifull Community’ supports individuals with mental health issues.

“Mai”: The Jaifull Community was established with the intention of assisting working-age individuals who are increasingly faced with stress, burnout, and mental health challenges. According to the Department of Mental Health, over 70% of working-age adults experience mental health issues, particularly depression. Major contributors include social media filled with comparing images, negative content, inadequate mental health support, the difficulty of accessing mental health services, high service costs, and the absence of a safe space for individuals to express their feelings without the fear of being judged or lacking connections with others who share similar experiences. Thus, we created an easily accessible community platform for individuals to share their stories, care for their mental health, and learn from one another. It serves as a second home where everyone is welcome to stay, talk, and receive support. Users can exchange ideas through cute avatars on the Community Platform, enriching their interactions beyond mere chatting.

‘Jaifull Community’ serves as a friendly support system… alleviating stress.

“Mai”: The Jaifull Community platform provides companionship and aids in alleviating stress, burnout, and mental health issues among employees through the Time Weaver function. This AI technology allows users to revisit past experiences to heal emotional wounds, uncover their inner truths, and enhance their lives without fear of judgment. It creates a space for individuals with similar thoughts and experiences to gather, converse, and heal collectively. The main goal of Jaifull Community moving forward is to develop a society where individuals of all ages can access quality mental health care services through advanced technology tailored to the users’ needs. We believe everyone deserves the chance to enhance their mental well-being and lead a joyful life.

Highlights of ‘Jaifull Community’:

“Mai”: Jaifull Community serves as an empathetic friend for the digital workforce facing stress, burnout, or mental health challenges, encompassing the following features:

Time Weaver: Go back in time to mend the past, discover inner answers, and enhance life positively.

AI Companion: Learns and evolves with users, comprehending context, gaining insights from conversations, and responding naturally.

Safe Space: Express your feelings and share experiences without the fear of judgment.

Personalized Experience: Customize your avatar—select your gender, body shape, face, clothing, speech style, choose a time period to revisit, and create conversations tailored to your preferences.

Jaifull Community is dedicated to being a supportive companion in fostering healing, development, and building mental resilience for working individuals. “A fulfilled heart marks the beginning of a good life.”

What are your strategies for expanding Jaifull Community?

“Mai”: We aim to enhance the Time Weaver function: improving the AI system to understand context better, offering additional time travel options, and incorporating functions that analyze conversational data to help users gain self-understanding and improve their lives more effectively.

Content and service expansion: We plan to add mental health resources on various topics, offer comprehensive mental health services, and develop a matching function for users with similar experiences to promote knowledge sharing and support.

Expanding our user base: We aim to increase the channels for accessing the platform, marketing and promoting it for greater visibility, and collaborating with organizations to provide Jaifull Community services for employees.

Developing business models: We seek to identify business partners to broaden our customer base, innovate new products and services related to mental health, and secure additional funding to enhance our platforms and services.

Our goal is to become a leading mental health care platform: We aspire to be the most popular and trusted mental health care platform in Thailand, extend services to other Southeast Asian countries, and collaboratively research and develop new technologies for mental health care.

“We envision Jaifull Community as a means to foster a society where individuals of all ages can access quality, suitable mental health care services, utilizing advanced technology that acknowledges user needs. We firmly believe that everyone merits mental health support, and Jaifull Community is committed to turning this vision into reality.”

Finally, I would like to share a message with aspiring entrepreneurs.

“Mai”: For those looking to start their own business, don’t hesitate to take that step. Learn from experiences, continuously improve, and remain committed to your business’s growth. Most importantly, remember that nothing is impossible; we just need the courage to pursue it!

Source: Sripathum University

Nong Mai Sumintra Paengsi: A Beacon of Hope in Mental Health through Jaifull Community

In today’s fast-paced and challenging world, many individuals face a myriad of issues ranging from economic struggles to social and familial challenges. These stressors often lead to heightened anxiety and unhappiness. It’s crucial for these individuals to seek effective means of emotional healing. One such inspiring figure is “Nong Mai,” Sumintra Paengsi, a dedicated student from the Faculty of Entrepreneurship at Sripatum University. Mai is part of the ‘Jaifull Community’ initiative, a platform designed to assist those grappling with mental health challenges.

Nong Mai Sumintra Paengsi

Discovering Opportunities at Sripatum University

When asked about her reasons for choosing the Faculty of Entrepreneurship at Sripatum University, Mai expresses an understandable sentiment. The university provides a diverse range of courses, excellent facilities, and abundant networking opportunities. It allows students to apply what they learn in real-world contexts while still pursuing their education. “SE SPU is the ideal choice for me,” says Mai, alluding to the reasonable tuition fees and excellent job prospects post-graduation.

Highlights of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship

Mai elaborates on the unique approach taken by the Faculty of Entrepreneurship at SPU. The main focus is experiential learning, emphasizing real-world experiences over traditional examinations. Students learn practical skills such as analytical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication while networking with industry professionals. This hands-on approach equips graduates with the skills necessary to thrive as business owners.

Real-World Experience and Business Challenges

Throughout her studies, Mai has gained invaluable experience. She shares, “I had the opportunity to fully immerse myself in business practices, from brand creation processes to assuming the role of CEO—all before graduation. If my business fails, it’s simply an academic exercise rather than a financial crisis, which is far more beneficial.” This element of security in education allows students to innovate and learn without the fear of real-world repercussions.

Addressing Mental Health with Jaifull Community

Mai’s journey with the Jaifull Community began with a shared desire to support those grappling with increasing stress and burnout in the workplace. The community was founded amidst alarming statistics, as the Department of Mental Health reports that over 70% of working-age individuals experience mental health issues. Contributing factors include the pervasive nature of social media, negative content consumption, and the lack of accessible mental health support. The Jaifull Community serves as a responsive platform for individuals to share their experiences, foster connections, and find solace.

Jaifull Community: A Safe Haven for All

The Jaifull Community aims to alleviate stress and mental health challenges by providing a supportive environment. Using innovative features like the Time Weaver function, the platform offers users the opportunity to revisit and reflect on past experiences, enhancing their emotional well-being.

Main Features of Jaifull Community:

  • Time Weaver: Users can explore their past, find deeper insights, and progress toward improved mental health.
  • AI Companion: This feature learns and evolves with the user, understanding the context and responding authentically.
  • Safe Space: Members can express themselves freely without fear of judgment, sharing stories and sentiments.
  • Personalized Experience: Users can customize avatars and tailor their interactions for a more personal touch.

Future Aspirations for Jaifull Community

Looking ahead, Mai envisions extensive development for the Jaifull Community. Plans include enhancing the AI capabilities of the Time Weaver function, expanding content related to mental health, and broadening their user base to provide a greater range of services.

Key Development Goals:

  1. Upgrade the AI system for smarter interactions.
  2. Incorporate a wider selection of mental health resources.
  3. Collaborate with organizations to increase community visibility and service accessibility.
  4. Research and innovate to remain at the forefront of mental health care technology.

Empowering Future Entrepreneurs

Mai’s encouragement for aspiring entrepreneurs is to embark on their journey without fear. She emphasizes the importance of learning from experiences and constantly seeking improvement. “Have the courage to pursue your dreams; there’s nothing unattainable if you are willing to try,” she advises.

Inspiration from Jaifull Community

Source: Sripathum University



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